ISSN (0970-2083)

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Research Article Open Access

Deposition Of Heavy Metals In Soil And Higher Plant Related To Rare-Earth Processing Activities


 This study evaluated the level of heavy metal content around rare-earth refinery sites by using Acacia magnium tree bark and its topsoil substrate. The samples were collected from a total of seven sites surrounding the selected study area. The sampling sites were north, south, and west of the refinery site. Parallel tree bark and topsoil samples were collected from the same points. Six elements Al, Mn, V, Cu, Ni, and Pb were measured by using ICP-MS. The data obtained were analysed for distribution, correlation, deposition consistency, metal ratio, and contamination factor. The metal correlations between tree bark and topsoil were evaluated. The concentrations of the studied elements in soil and tree bark samples were in the same order of magnitude. For almost all of the elements, higher accumulations occurred in soil than in tree bark. Significant correlations between concentrations in soil and tree bark were obtained only for Mn and Cu, types of natural pollutants. The other elements were in a relatively low correlation suggesting a mixture of emitters.

 Mohd Zahari Abdullah, Nur Fauwizah Azhar And Siti Mariam Abdul Kadir

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