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Articles in press and Articles in process

Research Article:  GRCS
Election Prediction Using Twitter Sentiment Analysis
Rashiduzzaman Prodhani, Atowar Ul Islam and Luit Das
Review Article:  GRCS
Survey of Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing
Arezoo Abbasi*, Ramin Karimi
Review Article:  J Glob Res Comput Sci
Large Language Models Bias Issues Solving through SDRT
Aarush1*, Chandhu 2
Research Article:  RRJGRCS
Study of RIFL and RIFT Protocol in Data Center Network
Pooja Kaplesh*
Research Article:  J Glob Res Comput Sci
Predicting Ratings of Online Food Chain
Srishty Sri Nidhi, Ravi Shankar Pandey
Research Article:  J Glob Res Comput Sci
Predicting Ratings of Online Food Chain
Srishty Sri Nidhi, Ravi Shankar Pandey
Perspective Article:  J Glob Res Comput Sci
F-(En-8) by K3 is Computable in Donald-Thomas in Variants for an Homomorphisme Stablished in L by Grigorchurt Fields
Juan Jose Molina Gonzalez
Perspective Article:  GRCS
Integrating Big data Analytics and Cloud Computing for the Effective Utilization of the Internet of Things (IoT)
Vinay Singh*
Research Article:  J Glob Res Comput Sci
An Innovative Deep Learning Method for Identifying Anomalies and Preventing Intrusions in Networked Systems
Fnu Ziauddin*
Review Article:  J Glob Res Comput Sci
On a Proof of Inequality of the Classes of Decision Problems P and NP
Angelo Raffaele Meo*