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Articles in press and Articles in process

Editorial:  RR: J Social Sciences
Military Faculty Occupied with Peacekeeping Obligations
Shawn Horan
Research Article:  J Soc Sci
Socio-Economic Characteristics and Students Vulnerability to Internet Victimization
Odunayo Ojo
Perspective Article:  RRJSS
Jim Crow Criminal Justice and Modern America
Jeffrey S Adler
Mini Review:  RRJ Soc Sci
The Value of Conformity is Contingent on the Conditions of the Society in Which We Live
Research Article:  JSS
Bargaining with Goliath: Knowledge Society and Vulnerable Communities, Lessons from Kerala
Abhilash Thadathil
Review Article:  RRJSS
Does Corruption Foster Income Inequality in Sub-Saharan African Countries?
 Kuessi Prince Houssou*
Review Article:  RRJSS
An Empirical Study to Trace the Impact of Macro-Economic Variables and Information Asymmetry on the Aum of Indian Mutual Funds- A Vecm and E-Garch Model Approach
Priyank Kulshreshtha*, Santi Swarup K, Swami Prasad Saxena
Research Article:  RRJSS
Production and Foreign Investment Affected by Brexit
Walid Y Alali and Haider Alali*
Research Article:  RRJSS
Design of Good Budgeting Model in Public Division of Iran with Total Systems Interventions (TSI) Approach
Leila Mirzadeh*, Mohsen Ghavamipour
Research Article:  RRJSS
Gender Difference and Job Quality: Application in Cameroon
Cosmas Bernard Meka'a, Silvain Raoul Fotso*
Review Article:  RRJSS
Conversation Constructions in Day-to-Day Life among People: A Study of Common Sense Practices
Vanita Chawadha*
Commentary:  RRJ Soc Sci
The Development of Human Rights, Security Politics and Precarious Bodies
Aneira J Edmunds*
Review Article:  RRJ Soc Sci
The Importance of Social Capital for Performing Participative Restoration Projects: Practice-Based Knowledge of Two Contrasting Indigenous Communities in Mexico
Eliane Ceccon*
Short Communication:  RRJ Soc Sci
Career Challenges Experienced by Women Scientists and Coping Strategies
Kuntamalla Sujatha*, Gudimalla Prashanthi
Mini Review:  RRJ Soc Sci
The Role of Banking Sector in Indian Sericulture
Kuntamalla Sujatha*, Gudimalla Prashanthi
Commentary:  RR: J Social Sciences
Phenomena Found in Human Linguistic Systems
Chris Jones
Research Article:  RR: J Social Sciences
The Assessment of Service Quality from Users� Point of Views: The Case of Revenue Authority, Addis Ababa City Government
Jemal Abagissa*
Review Article:  rrjss
The efficacy of Traditional Courts in Conflict Transformation in Zimbabwe: A case of Musana Communal Area in Bindura District
David Makwerere*, Tiki Chigariro, Innocent Madenga, Enock Chikohora
Review Article:  Res Rev Soc Sci
Examining a Conceptual Fallacy on Culture under the Women�s Convention
 Shritha Vasudevan* 
Research Article:  rrjss
Positivism and Positivity Perspective in Diversity Democracy
Meseret Bekele Gelaye*
Research Article:  RRJSS
Community Participation, Waste Facilities and Solid Waste Management in Uganda. A Case Study of Gulu District
Martha Kibukamusoke
Review Article:  RRJSS
The Functionality of the Housing Policy Instruments in Uganda
Martha Kibukamusoke*, Jimmy Alemiga, Kato Geoffrey Kiwuwa,James Joloba, Isaac Kalyango
Review Article:  rrjss
The Supreme Being and its Mentioning Usually Attaching to Naming: The Case of Indigenous Religion of the Oromo among Tulama Oromo of Ethiopia
Meseret Bekele Gelaye*
Review Article:  rrjss
Diversity Democracy and Its Economic Perspective: Econorelativism and Econopositivism
Meseret Bekele Gelaye*
Review Article:  rrjss
Waqa: Single God or Sky God; Conceptual Meaning, Attribute and Invocation among Tulama Oromo of Ethiopia
Meseret Bekele Gelaye*
Review Article:  rroijjss
Modernizing Governance through Technology: Understanding the Scope of Digital India and AI in E-Governance
Ajinas AM
Review Article:  RR: J Social Sciences
Identity Theory of Positivism and Positivity to Handle Cultural Restoration and Upholding
Meseret Bekele Gelaye*
Research Article:  RR: J Social Sciences
Statistical Analysis of the Predictors Affecting Number of Children Ever Born in the Philippines
Lavinia Dulla*
Review Article:  RR: J Social Sciences
Safety Culture and Work Behaviour Among Auto Artisans at Kokompe-Accra, Ghana
Samson Obed Appiah*
Research Article:  rroijjss
Land as a Major Source Conflict Between Farmers and Herders in OYO State
Ukpong Christiana
Research Article:  rroijjss
Land as a Major Source Conflict Between Farmers and Herders in OYO State
Ukpong Christiana
Research Article:  jss
Nile as a Transboundary River and The Ethiopian Grand Renaissance Dam (GERD): The Issue of Sovereignty-Cooperation Dilemma
Getachew Hailemariam Ayano
Short Communication:  jss
Covid-19 Challenges and Opportunities
Dr. Awadhesh Kumar Dubey
Research Article:  rroijjss
The Role of Multinational Corporations in Global Economic Practice; Literature Review
Kehinde Segun Isaac*, Ayodotun Ibidunni, Oladele J. Kehinde, Daniel Ufua, Kehinde Busola Elizabeth, Dorothy Oyo-Ita, Chima Menyelim Mathias