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Agronomy is the science and innovation of producing and utilizing plants for nourishment, fuel, fiber, and land reclamation. Agronomy envelops work in the zones of plant hereditary qualities, plant physiology, meteorology, and soil science.
Related Journals of Agronomy
Agriculture and Allied Sciences, Research Note - US Department of Agriculture Forest Serivce United States, Fisheries Research Technical Report - UK Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food, Directorate of Fisheries Research, United Kingdom.
Plant Pathology in Agriculture
Plant Pathology in Agriculture is the exploratory investigation of ailments in plants brought on by pathogens and natural conditions (physiological variables).
Related Journals of Plant pathology
Supplement Germany, Kyushu Tokai Daigaku Nogakubu Kiyo/Proceedings of School of Agriculture Kyushu Tokai University Japan Research Paper - US Department of Agriculture Forest Service United States, International Journal of Plant Animal and Environmental Sciences, Agriculture and Allied Sciences, Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics
Plant breeding & genetics
Plant breeding is the purposeful manipulation of plant species in order to create desired genotypes and phenotypes for specific purposes. Plant genetics deals with heredity in plants, particularly mechanisms of genetic transmission and variety of acquired attributes.
Related Journals of Plant breeding & genetics
International Journal of Plant Animal and Environmental Sciences, Agriculture and Allied Sciences, Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics, Supplement Germany, Kyushu Tokai Daigaku Nogakubu Kiyo/Proceedings of School of Agriculture Kyushu Tokai University Japan Research Paper - US Department of Agriculture Forest Service United States
Crop physiology
Crop physiology is the investigation of the plant procedures in charge of the development, advancement, and generation of yield by crop plants
Related Journals of Crop physiology
Agriculture and Allied Sciences, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Netherlands, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture United Kingdom.
Biochemistry agricultural chemistry
Biochemistry, also known as biological chemistry, is the study of chemical processes occurs to living organisms. Agricultural chemistry is the study of both chemistry and biochemistry which are useful in agricultural production.
Related Journals of Biochemistry agricultural chemistry
Agriculture and Allied Sciences, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture Netherlands, Agriculture and Human Values Netherlands, Applied Engineering in Agriculture United States
Horticulture is the branch that deals with plant cultivation. Sericulture is the creation of silk and the rearing of silkworms. Fisheries science is the scholarly teach of overseeing and comprehension of fisheries
Related Journals of Horticulture
Agriculture and Allied Sciences, Precision Agriculture Netherlands, Journal of Production Agriculture United States, Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems United Kingdom, Experimental Agriculture United Kingdom
Environmental safety
Metabolism is a term that is utilized to describe all chemical reactions involve keeping up the living condition of the cells and the life form. Toxicology the study of the unfavorable impacts of chemicals on living life forms. Environmental safety incorporates environmental protection, occupational health and safety at work
Related Journals of Environmental safety
Agriculture and Allied Sciences, American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture Jordan, Turk Tarim ve Ormancilik Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Turkey, Biological Agriculture and Horticulture United Kingdom, Outlook on Agriculture United Kingdom.
Plant regulators
Plant growth regulators (plant hormones) are various chemical compounds that significantly impact the growth and differentiation of plant cells, tissues and organs.
Related Journals of Plant regulators
Agriculture and Allied Sciences, International Journal of Agriculture and Biology Pakistan, Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment Finland, Journal of Integrative Agriculture Netherlands, CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources United Kingdom
Chemistry of pesticides
Pesticide, any dangerous substance used to execute creatures or plants that cause economic harm to crop or ornamental plants or are hazardous to the health of domestic animals or humans.
Related Journals of Chemistry of pesticides
Agriculture and Allied Sciences, Tropical Agriculture Jamaica, California Agriculture United States, Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University Japan, Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture Germany.
Agriculture definition
The practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products.
Related Journals to Agriculture definition
Agriculture and Allied Sciences, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, Agriculture and Human Values, Outlook on Agriculture, International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, Agriculture.
Agricultural economics
Agricultural economics aspect is a connected field of economics concerned with the utilization of economic theory in enhancing the creation and distribution of food and fibre — an order known as agronomic.
Related Journals of Agricultural economics
Agriculture and Allied Sciences, Journal of the Zhejiang University-Agriculture and Life Science China, Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics Germany, Journal of Agriculture of the University of Puerto Rico Puerto Rico, Agriculture et Developement France, Journal of Tropical Agriculture India.
Industrial agriculture
Industrial agriculture or Intensive agriculture otherwise called modern farming is portrayed by a low fallow ratio and higher utilization of inputs.
Related Journals of Industrial agriculture
Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food Japan, Organic Agriculture United States, Agriculture Nigeria, Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment United States, Open Agriculture Journal Netherlands, Agriculture and Allied Sciences.
Agri business opportunities
It is an opportunity of business that earns most of its incomes from farming. An agribusiness has a tendency to be a huge scale business operation and may fiddle with cultivating, preparing and manufacturing and/or the packaging and dispersion of products.
Related Journals of Agri business oppurtunities
Agriculture and Allied Sciences, Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics, Supplement Germany, Kyushu Tokai Daigaku Nogakubu Kiyo/Proceedings of School of Agriculture Kyushu Tokai University Japan, Research Paper - US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service United States, Revue Suisse d'Agriculture Switzerland.
Precision agriculture
Precision agriculture (PA) or satellite cultivating is a cultivating management based on observing, measuring and reacting to inter and intra-field variability in yields
Related Journals of Precision agriculture
Agriculture and Allied Sciences, US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service - Resource Bulletin United States, General Technical Reports of the US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service United States, Research Note - US Department of Agriculture, Forest Serivce United States, Fisheries Research Technical Report - UK Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food, Directorate of Fisheries Research United Kingdom, United States Dept. of Agriculture Forest Service, General Technical Report United State.
Slash and burn agriculture
Slash and burn agriculture or fire-fallow cultivation is a farming strategy that includes the cutting and burning of plants in woodlands or forests to make fields.
Related Journals of Slash and burn agriculture
Agriculture and Allied Sciences, International Journal of Agriculture and Biology Pakistan, Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment Finland, Journal of Integrative Agriculture Netherlands, CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources United Kingdom.
Agro chemicals
Agrochemical is a term utilized for the different chemical products utilized as a part of farming. It is also known as agrichemical which includes pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, fungicides and nematicides.
Related Journals of Agro chemicals
Agriculture and Allied Sciences, Applied Engineering in Agriculture United States, Precision Agriculture Netherlands.
Soil science
Soil science is the investigation of soil as a characteristic asset on the surface of the Earth including soil formation, classification, mapping, physical, chemical, organic, properties of soils as they relate to the production of food and fiber.
Related Journals of Soil Science
Agriculture and Allied Sciences, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Soil and Tillage Research, Applied Soil Ecology, Soil Research.
Sustainable agriculture
Sustainable Agriculture is the production or generation of food, fiber, plant & animal products using various cultivating systems that ensure nature, general wellbeing, human groups, and creature welfare.
Related Journals of Sustainable agriculture
Agriculture and Allied Sciences, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Agricultural Systems, Journal of Agricultural Economics, Food and Agricultural Immunology.
Agricultural revolution
Agricultural revolution is also known as agrarian revolution. It is a period of transition from the pre-agricultural period into an agricultural period to increase crop productivity.
Related Journals of Agricultural Revolution
Agriculture and Allied Sciences, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Agricultural Systems, Journal of Agricultural Economics, Food and Agricultural Immunology.
Organic farming
Organic farming is a form of agriculture that relies on techniques such as crop rotation, green manure, compost, and biological pest control.
Related Journals of Organic farming
Agriculture and Allied Sciences, Before Farming: The Archaeology and Anthropology of Hunter-Gatherers, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry.