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Research Article: Int J Inno Res Comp Comm Engg 2017, 6: 1 |
Efficient Retrieval of Pin Numbers from Recharge Cards by OCR Mechanism for Mobile Recharge |
K. Santhosh Pradhan |
Research Article: Int J Inno Res Comp Comm Engg 2017, 6: 2 |
P vs. NP Solution |
Dominic Alexander Cooper |
Research Article: Int J Inno Res Comp Comm Engg 2017, 6: 3 |
Star Diamond-Diamond Search Block Matching Motion Estimation Algorithm for H.264/AVC Video Codec |
Satish Kumar Sahu* , Dolley Shukla |
Research Article: Int j inno res comp comm engg 2017, 6: 4 |
Plagiarism Detection Framework using Monte � Carlo Based Artificial Neural Network for Nepali Language |
Rakesh Kumar Bachchan* and Arun Kumar Timalsina |