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2024: Volume 13, Issue 1

Research Article:  J Agri Allied Sci
Honey Production System in Buno Bedele and Ilu Abba Bora Zones, South Western Oromia, Ethiopia
Teklu Bira, Muleta Debela, Mosisa Mezgebu
Review Article:  J Agri Allied Sci
Detection of Banana Leaf Disease and its Analysis Using Different Techniques
Arjun Jadhaw, Rajat Bhandari
Review Article:  J Agri Allied Sci
Vegetables are Known in Attainment of Nutrition Security of the Society: What About Fruits? Short Systematic Review
Kebede Tedila Tadesse
Commentary:  J Agri Allied Sci
Sustaining Agriculture: The Dynamics and Challenges of the Rice-Wheat Cropping System
Usman Akhter
Commentary:  J Agri Allied Sci
Unraveling the Tapestry of Climate: Exploring the Interplay of Temperature and Rainfall Patterns
Ranjit Sharma
Commentary:  J Agri Allied Sci
Navigating the Climate Crisis: Why Understanding Climate Parameters Matters?
Yushika Simran
Commentary:  J Agri Allied Sci
Rethinking Agricultural Practices: The Complexities of Chemical Fertilizers
Romika Pathania
Commentary:  J Agri Allied Sci
Exploring the Complexities of Crop Physiology: Cultivating Future Harvests
Urmi Hazra
Commentary:  J Agri Allied Sci
Phenomena of Seed Formation: Nature's Blueprint for Continuity and Diversity
Ferrante Bachour
Commentary:  J Agri Allied Sci
Vital Role of Oil-Seed Production in Global Agriculture and Economy
Li Daan Yi