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2013: Volume 2, Issue 1

Short Communication:  Journal of Botanical Sciences
Triple-seeds in Mammea suriga (Buch.-Ham. Ex Roxb.), an Avenue Tree
Smita S Kubal, Vaibhavi S Shirke, KK Shirke, Wanage SS, Rajesh P Gunaga and AD Rane
Review Article:  Journal of Botanical Sciences
The Belongings of Typical Weather Transform on Aquaculture
Saravanan P and Sathish Kumar S
Research Article:   Journal of Botanical Sciences
Utilization of Kola Pod Husk for Telfaria Occidentalis, Corchorus Olitorius and Amaranthus Cruentus Production in Ikorodu, Lagos State
EA Makinde, Ipinmoroti RR, GO Iremiren and LS Ayeni
Research Article:  Journal of Botanical Sciences
Phytochemical Screening of Leaf and Stem Bark of Holoptelea Integrifolia Roxb.
Banshidhar Behera, Deepmala Yadav and MC Sharma