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2013: Volume 2, Issue 3

Research Article:  Journal of Botanical Sciences
In Vitro Shoot Regeneration of Corchorus acutangulus Lam. (Tiliaceae).
K Padmavathy, S Paulsamy, and J Thambiraj
Research Article:  Journal of Botanical Sciences
Diversity and Status of Susceptible Host for Foliar Fungi from North Tarai Forests of Uttar Pradesh, India.
TP Mall, DP Singh, Ajay Kumar, and Sangeeta Sahani
Research Article:   Journal of Botanical Sciences
Ethno-botanical Uses of Some Plant Roots Used By Gondu Tribes of Seethagondi Grampanchayath, Adilabad District, Andhra Pradesh, India.
R Suman Kumar, C Venkateshwar, G Samuel, and S Gangadhar Rao
Short Communication:  Journal of Botanical Sciences
Studies of Different pH Levels of Simulated Acid Rain on Lens culinaris CVS. Malika and L-830.
RP Malik, Manisha, Lokendra Singh, and VK Deshwal