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2014: Volume 3, Issue 2

Research Article:   Journal of Botanical Sciences
Comparison of Nitrogen Fertilizers, Induce and Zinc Addition on Glyphosate Efficacy on Three Different Weed Species.
Hussein F. Abouziena, Ibraheem M. El-Metwally, H.M. El-Saeid and Megh Singh
Research Article:  Journal of Botanical Sciences
Diversity and Ecology of Algal Communities from the Regional Landscape Park "Slavyansky Resort", Ukraine
Valentina Klymiuk1, Sophia Barinova and Natalya Lyalyuk
Research Article:   Journal of Botanical Sciences
Effects of Processing on the Chemical and Anti-nutritional Properties of Cassava Roots.
Omosuli SV
Research Article:  Journal of Botanical Sciences
Study of Genetic Association and Direct and Indirect Effects among Yield and Yield Contributing Traits in Chickpea
Nibadita Sarker, Md Abdus Samad and Anil Chandra Deb