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2016: Volume 5, Issue 4

Research Article:  Journal of Botanical Sciences
Plant Isolated Compound Remove Uric Acid from Blood Immediately as Compare to Anti Uric Acid Drug
Rana Kausar, Nazish Waris
Research Article:  Journal of Botanical Sciences
Ecological Survey of Phytoplankton (Nostocaceal) of Chakhan Lake, District, Dadu, Sindh, Pakistan
Palh ZA, Almani KF, Qureshi MA, Abbasi AR ,Lasheri KH
Short Communication:  Journal of Botanical Sciences
Perspectives on Elevated Ploidy in Regenerants from Plant Tissue Culture and Transformation
Jenny W Jing, Thomas M Davis, Qian Zhang
Review Article:  Journal of Botanical Sciences
Towards an Enhanced Breeding in Cocoyam: A Review of Past and Future Research Perspectives
Jude Ejikeme Obidiegwu, Presidor Kendabie, Oscar Obidiegwu and Charles Amadi
Research Article:  Journal of Botanical Sciences
Impact of PRISM Approach on Input Supply, Production and Produce Marketing of Commercial Vegetable Farming in Kaski and Kapilvastu District of Western Nepal
Bhimsen Gurung, Punya Prasad Regmi, Resham Bahadur Thapa, Durga Mani Gautam, Ganesh Man Gurung , Krishna Bahadur Karki
Research Article:  Journal of Botanical Sciences
Vertical-Lift Potential of the Trapped Hypochaeris radicata (Catsear), a Phototropic Sub-Pavement Plant
Peter R Greene
Research Article:  Journal of Botanical Sciences
Monitoring of Seasonal Variations in Radiocesium from the Fukushima Accident in Litterfall of Four Broad-Leaf Tree
Toshihiro Yoshihara, Hideyuki Matsumura and Shin-Nosuke Hashida