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2018: Volume 7, Issue 2

Research Article:  Journal of Botanical Sciences
Maleic Hydrazide Induced Variability in Fenugreek (Trigonella Foenum-Graecum L.) Cultivars CO1 and Rmt-1
Nazarul Hasan, Rafiul Amin Laskar, Aamir Raina and Samiullah Khan
Review Article:  Journal of Botanical Sciences
Silicons Role in Improving Plant Salinity Tolerance
Yuchen Xia, Lecheng Liu, Junliang Yin and Yongxing Zhu
Research Article:  Journal of Botanical Sciences
Bioactivity of Marjoram Oil and Powder against the Rice Weevil Sitophilus oryzae
Hosny AH, Hasan NE, Zayed GMM and Frawila HAA
Review Article:  Journal of Botanical Sciences
Cytology and Pollination Biology of Lamiaceae: A Review
Ali Abbas Rather, Asma Banday, Peerzada Arshid Shabir, Irshad Ahmad Nawchoo, and Khursheed Ahmad Ganaie
Review Article:  Journal of Botanical Sciences
An Over View of Conventional and Molecular Detection Methods of Seed-Borne Bacterial Pathogens
Tibebu Belete
Research Article:  Journal of Botanical Sciences
Mulch Benefits Relating to Growth and Water Conservation in Ornamental Shrubs in a Tropical Environment
Ow Lai Fern and Mohd Lokman Mohd Yusof
Research Article:  Journal of Botanical Sciences
The Effects of Radiation on Plants and the Ecosystem
Sarthak Gupta
Research Article:  Journal of Botanical Sciences
The Ecology of Algae from and Around Bolan River, Balochistan, Pakistan
Qasima Aga, Mohammad Abass Sumalani, Mudassir Asrar and Saadullah Leghari
Research Article:  Journal of Botanical Sciences
Responses of Endophytic Microbial Community in Masson Pine to the Early Stage of Pine Wilt Disease
Yang Li, ·Qingzhou Yao, Zhong Xing, Choufei Wu1 and Liqin Zhang