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2023: Volume 12, Issue 3

Research Article:  RRJ Chemist
Unveiling the Potential of Cannabis Extracts: Chemical Composition and Pharmacological Insights for Glioblastoma Therapy
Ashraf Duzan1,2,3*, Mufeed M. Basti2, Waldemar Debinski4
Research Article:  RRJ Chemist
Use of Some Metal Ferrites as Catalyst in Haloform Reaction
Neha Godha*, Suresh C Ameta
Review Article:   RRJ Chemist
Principle and Role of Green Chemistry in Various Organic Synthesis
Kavita Devi*, Shivani Chaudhary, Happy Choudhary, Kapil Kumar Verma, Akshay Chaudhary
Research Article:   RRJ Chemist
Investigation of Electronic and Spectroscopic Properties of Phosphosilicate Glass Molecule (BioGlass 45S5) and Ti-BioGlass 45S5 by Quantum Programming
Mehmet Hanifi Kebiroğlu, Rebaz Obaid Kareem*, Othman Abdulrahman Hamad
Research Article:   RRJ Chemist
Water Quality Index Assessment of Eweh River in Khana Local Government Area, Rivers State, Nigeria
Kalagbor I.A*, Kue B.D, Akinfolarin O.M
Commentary:  RRJ Chemist
Chemistry of Halogens: Applications and Environmental Considerations
Drogo Burton