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2015: Volume 4, Issue 3

Editorial:  Journal of Chemistry
Some Investigations Based on Photochemistry, Natural Product Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry
Hettiarachchi SR
Research Article:  Journal of Chemistry
The Effect of Metal-Remote Amino-Groups on Metal Center in Ruthenium (II) Complexes with Terpyridine Ligands
Li H, Jeilani YA, Melnyczuk JM, Hibbard L, Wu J, Yerokun T, Ingram CW and Harruna I*
Research Article:  Journal of Chemistry
Three-Dimensional Pharmacological Characteristics of Taste Type Receptors and Ligand-Based Virtual Screening in Chinese Herbal Medicine
Zhang YL*, Zhang Y, Wang X, Wang S and Qiao Y
Editorial:  Journal of Chemistry
Prodrugs as Emerging Tool for Increasing Safety Profile of Existing Drugs
Redasani VK
Research Article:  Journal of Chemistry
Investigation of an In Vitro Antimicrobial Activity of Angiopteris evecta (Forst.) Hoffm
Nilanthi SMLD, Wijayarathna C and Hettiarachchi GHCM
Research Article:  Journal of Chemistry
Effect of Ethyl Alcohol on the Dinitrosalicylic Acid Assay for Reducing Sugars
Nyla Z. Numan and John C. Ford
Editorial:  Journal of Chemistry
Cellulose Hydrolysis: An Unsolved Problem
Vrushali H Jadhav
Research Article:  Journal of Chemistry
Synthesis and Characterization of a New Cadmium Framework Based on 2,5-Dimethyl-1,3,4-Thiodiazole and Dicyanamide Anion
Wang Y, Zhou B, Li M, Lin P, Zhao X
Research Article:  Journal of Chemistry
Compact V2O5WO3/Tio2 Monolith Catalyst for Vessel DeNox Application
Lu Zhou
Research Article:  Journal of Chemistry
Research Progress in Chemical Components and Pharmacological Effectiveness of Piper hancei Maxim
Lei Haipeng, Zhou Bin and Chen Xianqiang