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2018: Volume 7, Issue 2

Research Article:  RROIJ: Journal of Chemistry
PS-HDODA Supported Cobalt (II) - as a Novel and Efficient Heterogeneous Catalyst for Methylene Blue Decomposition from Synthetic Waste Water
Varkey JT, Antony A and Ajil PA
Research Article:  RROIJ: Journal of Chemistry
Development of an Analytical Method for the Plasma Determination of Five Anti-Epileptics and their Metabolites by HPLC: Comparison with Immunoanalytical Methods
Kaouthar Louati, Sarah Mahfoudhi and Fathi Safta
Review Article:  RROIJ: Journal of Chemistry
Electron Withdrawing Substituent that Control Band Gap and Planar Conformation in Push-Pull Molecules Through Non-Covalent Interactions: Density Functional Theory Study
Saravanan C , Nasrin IS and Milind SD*
Mini Review:  RROIJ: Journal of Chemistry
Phytochemical Constituents of Genus Nepeta
Arif Hussain Bhat*, Aparna Alia , Bharty Kumar and Sofi Mubashir
Research Article:  RROIJ: Journal of Chemistry
Synthesis of Belallosides of Belamcanda Chinesis and its Analogs
Jyothi K Kasthuri, Nageswara Rao M, Vijaya Durga T, Sharmila N, Hari Babu Bollikolla
Research Article:  RROIJ: Journal of Chemistry
Preparation of Zinc Oxide Nanomaterial using Unsymmetrical Schiff Base Complexes
Maldhure AK* and Aswar AS