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2022: Volume 4, Issue 1

Clinical images:  J Clin Resp
The Importance of Differential Diagnosis: Intimal Sarcoma of the Pulmonary Artery
Beatriz Raboso Moreno*
Research Article:  J Clin Resp
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Efficacy as an Adjuvant for the Systemic Inflammation Reduction in Patients with SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Silvia I Toledo Orozco, Maria Del C Roldan Gomez, Julio Cesar Ramirez Nava, Valentin Rodriguez Ayala, Bettina Sommer, Hector Solis Chagoyan, Eduardo Calixto, Luis M Montaño-Ramirez, Bianca S Romero Martinez, Edgar Flores Soto6*
Commentary:  J Clin Resp
Deterioration and Airway Blockade In COPD Condition
Meesso Ussa*
Commentary:  J Clin Resp
Immunopathogenesis and Immunotherapeutics of COVID-19
Perspective Article:  J Clin Resp
Management of Allergic Asthma Inflammation