e-ISSN: 2320-7949 and p-ISSN: 2322-0090
Editorial: RRJDS |
Editorial Note for Research & Reviews: Journal of Dental Sciences |
Sheeba K |
Short Communication: RRJDS |
Taste alteration after impacted mandibular third molar surgery: Melika Sadat Mortazavi, Qazvin University of medical sciences, Iran |
Melika Sadat Mortazavi |
Short Communication: RRJDS |
Evaluation of hearing in children treated with palatal expansion: Hala Aoun- Lebanese University School of Dentistry, Lebanon |
Hala Aoun |
Short Communication: RRJDS |
The effect of two different solitary attachments used to retain implant assisted mandibular distal extension removable partial overdenture on abutment alveolar bone height changes: Ahmed Abosabaa, Delta University for Science and Technology, Egypt. |
Ahmed Abosabaa |
Short Communication: RRJDS |
Infant oral mutilation (IOM) a world dental concern: Francis Muthama, Kinga Africa, Kenya |
Francis Muthama |