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2023: Volume 11, Issue 1

Perspective Article:  JEAES
Revolutionizing Agriculture with Bioinoculants: Exploring their Benefits and Versatile uses
Jee Chae
Opinion Article:  JEAES
Effective Weed Management Techniques for Healthy Crops and Gardens
Alisa Danon
Perspective Article:  JEAES
The Greenhouse Effect on Agriculture: How to Minimize the Impact of Climate Change
Jee Chae
Commentary:  JEAES
Taiwanese Consumer��?s Risk Perception and Purchase Intention towards Abnormally Shaped Foods
Yen-Lun Su
Perspective Article:  JEAES
Management and Impacts of Biological Invasions: Progress and Challenges in the Field
Sophie Bates
Opinion Article:  JEAES
The Vital Role of Ecological Conservation in Preserving Biodiversity
Sophie Bates
Opinion Article:  JEAES
Conservation of Terrestrial Food Webs: Challenges and Opportunities for Ecological Research and Management
Rhea Wade
Perspective Article:  JEAES
Impacts of Non-Native Species on Land Use: Prevention and Management Strategies for Ecosystem Protection
Rhea Wade
Short Communication:  JEAES
Nutrient Pollution: Impacts and Strategies for Prevention and Management
Trista Row
Commentary:  JEAES
The Solar Cycle Explanation for Climate Change
Dale Erwin Nierode