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2021: Volume 9, Issue 2

Research Article:  RRJOB
BIM-Enabled Energy Analysis for Sustainability: A Case Study of High Rise Building
Irbaz Hasan, Syed Shujaa Safdar Gardezi, Usman Hussain
Commentary:  Res Rev J Ecol Environ
Sustainable Pavement Construction Using Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Polymer Waste (Plastic Bottle) as Soil Stabilizer
Eduardo B. Leron
Research Article:  Res Rev J Ecol Enviro
Innovative Construction Reinforcement Medium Using Crushed Glass: An Experimental Risk-Waste Reduction Research
E. Jr B. Leron*, A.M. B. Guevarra, A.R. G. Roluna, J. R. Tan, S.J.L. G. Zalun
Commentary:  RRJEES
Sighting of A Rare Colour Intermediary in an Indian Paradise Flycatcher in Uttarakhand, India
Review Article:  Res Rev J Ecol Environ
Plastics reusing and squander management- A Revision
Nitin Parashar, Banu Pratap, Kritika Singh and Yash Kapoor