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2024: Volume 13, Issue 1

Commentary:  jet
Engineering Physics: Bridging Science and Technology for Innovation
Khrisdel Rea Supapo
Opinion Article:  jet
Functionalization of Nanoparticles: Enhancing Compatibility and Performance in Polymer Nanocomposites
Abdsmat Yuldshev
Commentary:  jet
Unveiling the Marvels of Metallurgy: Understanding the Science of Metals
Steven Siehan
Opinion Article:  jet
Understanding Rheological Characterization in Polymer Extrusion for Additive Manufacturing
Stacy Leb
Commentary:  jet
Cybersecurity Risk Management: Strategies for Effective Risk Reduce
Luiano Rota
Opinion Article:  jet
Unraveling Digital Forensics Essentials: Principles and Practices for Incident Response
Edwad Querikiol
Perspective Article:  jet
Characterization and Control of Polymer Melt Viscosity: A Key to Enhanced Fiber Spinning Processes
Vishal Kumar
Perspective Article:  jet
Unveiling the Future: Machine Learning Approaches for Predictive Modeling in Computational Biology
Abdul Wahd
Short Communication:  jet
Sustainability in Industrial Production: Balancing Economic Growth with Environmental Responsibility
Suvashis Dash
Commentary:  jet
Comparative Analysis of Internal Combustion Engines: Efficiency and Emissions
Souheila Mellari