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2023: Volume 12, Issue 1

Research Article:  RRJ Microbiol Biotechnol
Plant Specific Homeobox TaWUS-like Gene Associated with Thousand Grain Weight and Grain Number in Common Wheat
Xuemei Si, Shoaib Ur Rehman, Yuquan Wang, Jian Hou, Chenyang Hao, Tian Li, Xueyong Zhang, Hongxia Liu*
Review Article:  RRJ Microbiol Biotechnol
Synthetically Modified Quorum Sensing (QS) Inhibitor: A Review
Ojo Stephen Kayode Simpa1*, Okunade Stephen Oyeoluwa1, Aliu Omotayo Rachael1, Adeyemo Michael Bolaji2
Research Article:  RRJ Microbiol Biotechnol
Accelerating Gut Microbiome Research with Robust Sample Collection
Zoe Zreloff, Danielle Lange, Suzanne Vernon, Martha Carlin, Raul Cano
Research Article:  RRJ Microbiol Biotechnol
An Early Quantitative Approach to Phytochemical Composition of the Aqueous Extract of Triticum vulgare
Elva Morretta1, Giusy Ferraro1,2, Ciro Francesco Scala3, Barbara Maglione3, Giulia Schiavo3, Claudio Campagnuolo3, Roberta Palladino3, Eugenia Romano3, Maria Chiara Monti1*
Research Article:  RRJ Microbiol Biotechnol
Description and Interrelationship Analysis of the Phenotypic and Genotypic Characteristics of MSSA and MRSA Strains Isolated from Healthcare Workers in North-Eastern Brazil
Maraiza Alves De Oliveira1, Yasmin Monara Ferreira De Sousa Andrade2, Alisson Da Costa Souza1, Icaro Bonyek Santos Da Silva2, Guilherme Barreto Campos3, Lucas Miranda Marques3, Grace Anne Azevedo Doria1, Rafael Ciro Marques Cavalcante1*