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2022: Volume 10, Issue 6

Research Article:  RRJOB
A Medium for Facilitating Hepatitis B Virus Detection and Replication of the Virus
Afşin Kariper, Tuğba Demirc, Dilek Bahard, Ceylan Hepokure, Armağan Canerd, Müge Gülcihan Önald, Selma Gökahmetoğluf, Yusuf Tutarg

DOI: 10.4172/2322-0066.10.6.001

Research Article:  RRJOB
Integrated Transcriptome-wide Profiling and Protein Structure Analysis of Pathogenic Genes in Venous Thromboembolism
Yan Che, Jing Ding, Yan Zhang

DOI: 10.4172/2322-0066.10.6.002

Research Article:  RRJOB
How Self-Control Affects our Training and Nutrition Goals: A Comparison Between Overweight Women and Bodybuilders
Henry Chan, Roberta C Muzy, Paula HD Kanas, Paulo C Muzy, Antonio H Lancha Jr, Katia Rubio, Luciana OP Lancha, Ivan S Rabelo

DOI: 10.4172/2322-0066.10.6.003

Research Article:  RRJOB
Mutation of COL2A1 in a Chinese Family with Presentations of Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease
Denglu Yan, Zhaojie Wang, Zhi Zhang

DOI: 10.4172/2322-0066.10.6.004

Case Report:  RRJOB
Leiomyosarcoma with Isolated Metastasis to the Extraocular Muscle: A Case Report involving Whole-Exome Sequencing
Yung Ju Yoo, Kyoung Yu Lee

DOI: 10.4172/2322-0066.10.6.005

Editorial:  RRJOB
A Brief note on Anabolism
Zynah Caron*