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2024: Volume 12, Issue 2

Research Article:  job
The master of regeneration-construction of pREMT
Yi Wang
Research Article:  job
EnhancerBD identifing sequence feature-identify enhancer
Yi Wang
Commentary:  job
Analysing Pre-operative Gait Patterns in Participants Undergoing Total Hip and Knee Replacement Using Inertial Wearable Sensors-A Commentary
Lianne Koinis
Research Article:  job
Novel Solution Based on Detection of Mirs-410-3p and 141-5p for Diagnostic of Prostate Cancer Evolution
Castan Pablo, Eugenio Rodriguez Nunez, Youness Ouahid, Empar Sainz, Juan Jose Montoya, Antoni Molera, Ana Souto, David Vazquez, Carbache MF and Joaquin Carballido Rodríguez
Research Article:  job
Immune Rousing and Inflammatory Modulation as Key Bottlenecks for Improving Cancer Outcome; The use of Bioactive Compounds from Rosmarinus Officinalis as Therapy
Juan Jose Montoya, Youness Ouahid, Carbache MF, Eugenio Rodriguez Nunez, Empar Sainz, Antoni Molera, Torres CF, Reglero G, Joaquin Carballido Rodríguez, Castan Pablo
Opinion Article:  job
Challenges and Strategies in Overcoming the Gastrointestinal Barrier for Oral Drug Delivery
Li Wei
Perspective Article:  job
Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) and Tractography: Insights into White Matter Changes in Alzheimer's Disease
Jing Liu
Opinion Article:  job
Synthetic Biology Tools for Neurological Disorders: From Treatment to Understanding
Mei Chen
Perspective Article:  job
Bone Marrow Biopsy: Techniques and Interpretation in Hematologic Disorders
Qin Zhong
Perspective Article:  job
Malaria and Hematological Complications: Insights into Pathogenesis and Treatment
Tinny Sohl