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2024: Volume 12, Issue 3

Research Article:  RRJ Biol
A Cross Sectional Study on Socio-demographic Profile of Deceased Due to Suspected Poisoning Coming for Autopsy in FMT Department IGIMS, Patna, Bihar
Mukesh Prasad, Sanjeev Kumar, Nawal Kumar, Nikhil Goel, Aman Kumar
Perspective Article:  JOB
Structure-Based Drug Design: Computational Approaches for Target Identification and Optimization
Alex J. Mercer
Perspective Article:  JOB
The Molecular Mechanisms of Plant-Fungal Symbiosis: Insights from Mycorrhizal Genomics
Sophia L. Mercer
Opinion Article:  JOB
Deciphering the Genomic Architecture of Fungal Pathogens: Implications for Disease Management
Emily R. Hawthorne
Opinion Article:  JOB
The Role of the Microbiome in Immune System Modulation
Alex Thompson
Commentary:  JOB
The Impact of Food Processing on Microbial Diversity and Safety
Sarah Mitchell
Commentary:  JOB
The Role of Viral Genomics in Understanding Pathogenicity and Disease Progression
Emily Carter
Research Article:  JOB
Carotid Atherosclerosis Associated with Tau Pathology and Cognitive Function in Cognitively Intact Adults: The Chinese Alzheimer's Biomarker and Lifestyle (CABLE) Study
Ming-Zhan Zhang1, Cheng-Kun Sun2, Yan-Ming Chen3, Quan Hao3, Zi-Qi Zhang1, Fan Guo3, Lan Tan1,2,3,4, Meng-Shan Tan1,2,3,4*
Research Article:  JOB
Novel Immune-Modulating Peptide to Counteract DNA Damage and Boost Tissue Repair: Advanced Machine Learning Confirmation Over Transcriptomes From 3,250 Patients
María Ribagorda1, Gutiérrez-Cazurro P1, Jordi Pérez-Cano1, Jessica E. Nuñez2, Carbache MF2, Joaquin Carballido Rodríguez3,4 , Castan Pablo1,5*
Commentary:  JOB
The Role of Neurotransmitters in Synaptic Transmission and Neural Communication
Liam J. Foster