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2019: Volume 7, Issue 1

Research Article:  RRJOB
Comparative Chloroplast Genome Analysis of Suaeda aralocaspica with Other Amaranthaceae Genomes
Caburatan L , Park J *
Research Article:  RROIJ
Sublethal Effects of Surfactants on Chemical Composition of Periwinkle (Tympanotonus fuscatus) Tissues Collected from the Lagos Lagoon
Edeghagba BO*, Adamu GOL, Badru TI
Research Article:  RRJOB
Toxocara spp, Ancylostoma caninum and Trichuris spp. Mono- and Mixed Infections in Diarrheic Dogs
Adnan Ayan, Kerem Ural, Hasan Erdogan, Zeliha Selamoglu, Songul Erdogan, Pelin Kandemir, and Deniz Sude Ates