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2023: Volume 12, Issue 5

Research Article:  J Pharm Anal
1 In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluation of Whole and Half Tablet of Metoprolol Sustained Release Tablets
Mingjin Xun2*, Zhong Feng1,2,3, Yajie Hao2,3, Qingyan Cui2,3, Liying Zhai2,3, Hui Li2,3, Guimin Zhang2,3
Review Article:  RRJPA
A Multicenter, Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo Controlled Phase II Trial of Intravenous Inflammasome Inhibitor (NuSepin) for the Treatment of COVID-19 Patients
Seung-Yong Seong, Catalina Luca, Cosmina Magdau, Olga Adriana Caliman-Sturdza, Andrei Cemurtan, Seunghwa Lee, Sun-Ae Han