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2021: Volume 9, Issue 2

Editorial:  Pharmaceutical Analysis
Biopolymer Congress 2018: E-BABE- Fabrication and characterization of chitosan/montmorillonite/ZrO2 nanocomposite scaffold - Abbas Teimouri - Payame Noor University
Abbas Teimouri 

DOI: .

Editorial:  Pharmaceutical Analysis
E-BABE- Fabrication and characterization of chitosan/montmorillonite/ZrO2 nanocomposite scaffold
Abbas Teimouri 

DOI: .

Editorial:  Pharmaveutical Analysis
Biopolymer Congress 2018: Synthesis of phospholipid biosurfactants and characterization of interfacial property and environmental compatibility for cosmetic products application - JongChoo Lim - Dongguk University
 JongChoo Lim  

DOI: .

Editorial:  Pharmaceutical Analysis
Biopolymer Congress 2018: The impact of different backing films on adhesion properties of transdermal patches - Maryam Hamedanlou - Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute
 Maryam Hamedanlou 

DOI: .

Editorial:  Pharmaceutical Analysis
Biopolymer Congress 2018: Electro-responsive material based on plasticized poly (lactic acid) and graphene nanoplatelets as a fillers - Natlita Thummarungsan - Chulalongkorn University
Natlita Thummarungsan    

DOI: .

Editorial:  Pharmaceutical Analysis
Biopolymer Congress 2018: Electromachanical and creep behavior of pullulan hydrogels: Effects of amount of crosslinking agent and electric field strength - Kochakorn Saeaeh - Chulalongkorn University
 Kochakorn Saeaeh 

DOI: .

Research Article:  RRJPA
Development and Validation of RP-HPLC Method for Simultaneous Estimation of Atorvastatin Calcium and Ramipril in Tablet Dosage Forms
Hari Krishna*