Editorial: Pure and Applied Physics |
The Lego of the Universe: How we Construct the Universe from Elementary Particles? |
Maxim Yu Khlopov |
Research Article: Pure and Applied Physics |
Design and Development of an Integrated Relative Humidity, Temperature Measurement and Gas(LPG) Sensing System Using PIC18F25K20 |
Research Article: Pure and Applied Physics |
Vehicle-Derived Metal Pollution in Roundabouts and Roadside Gutters Identified by Magnetic and Elemental Analysis |
Kanu Maxwell O, Meludu OC and Oniku SA |
Research Article: Pure and Applied Physics |
Reveal the Plastic Deformation Mechanisms of Si Nanowires at the Atomic Scale |
Deli Kong, Tianjiao Xin, Lirong Xiao, Xuechao Sha, Lu Yan and Lihua Wang |
Research Article: Pure and Applied Physics |
Variation of Phase Shift and Energy Gap in Nuclear Matter |
Ayodo YK,Murila M and Khanna KM |
Research Article: Pure and Applied Physics |
Study of Room Temperature Ferromagnetic And Dielectric Properties in the Composites of Fe1.2Ga0.8O3 and Co1.25Fe1.75O4 Oxides |
Bhowmik RN, Vijayasri G |
Review Article: Pure and Applied Physics |
Physical Interaction as a Game: A Review |
Kowalski AM |