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2016: Volume 4, Issue 4

Research Article:  Pure and Applied Physics
Role of Remote Sensing and GIS in Cyclone
Dhruvesh KM, Praful MU and Aditya MV
Review Article:  Pure and Applied Physics
Proposal of the Electromagnetic Structures of the Most Important Particles from Decays
Zi-Jian Cai
Research Article:  Pure and Applied Physics
Plasma Gasification in Environment Conservation: An Alternative Approach for Waste Management
Kalpana S and Niranjani C
Short Communication:  Pure and Applied Physics
A Study on the Present Status of Zirconia based Electrolytes for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
Sharma P, Singh KL and Singh AP
Short Communication:  Pure and Applied Physics
An Examination of the Anti-nuclei and Cores Creation Component
Christina Maria