ISSN: 2320-2459
Editorial: RRJPAP |
Confusion in our Understanding of Uncertainty Principle and Quantum Probability |
Durgadas Datta |
Research Article: JPAP |
Principles of Relativity By means of the Charge Q |
Tarek Nadim Moaqat* |
Review Article: JPAP |
Quantum-mechanical substantiation of the periodic system of isotopes. Models of nuclear orbitals |
A.S. Magula |
Commentary: RRJPAP| |
Greatest Blunder in Theory of Inflation Out of Quantum Fluctuation. |
Durgadas Datta |
Perspective Article: J. Pure Appl. Phys |
Shielding of Gravitational Field in Space |
Yanbikov Vil'dyan Shavkyatovich |