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2023: Volume 12, Issue 2

Review Article:  RRJPPS
Taste Masking of Oral Pharmaceutics: A Review
Shuruti Roy*, Riddhi Upadhyay, Jigar Vyas, Umesh Upadhyay
Research Article:  Res Pharm Sci
The Usability, Safety, Efficacy and Positioning of the Atlas Drug-Eluting Coronary Stent: Evaluation the Preliminary Perioperative Results
Okan Aliman1, Alper Fatih Ardic2*
Commentary:  Res Pharm Sci
A Commentary on Evaluation of Hospitalized Patients Receiving High Versus Low-Dose Opioids for Non-Cancer Painy
Jennifer D Twilla1*, Christopher K Finch2
Research Article:  Res Pharm Sci
Formulation of Herbal Cream from Plant Extract of Fernando adenophylla
Ravi Sherwal
Research Article:  Res Pharm Sci
Induction of DNA Damage, Cell Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Check Point by the Usage of Kaempferol
Damin Liang1, Xiaoju Cheng2, Ziping Zhang1, Zhengjiu Yang1, Tingchao Li 3*, Peng Tian3,2*
Review Article:  Res Pharm Sci
Quality by Design (QbD) Approach for Formulation Development and Evaluation of Fixed-Dose Combination Tablets: A Comprehensive Review
Simon Nyarko
Research Article:  Res Pharm Sci
Amelioration in Approaches for Enhanced Pulmonary Drug Delivery
Suraj Ashok Choudhary, Aparajita Patil
Research Article:  Res Pharm Sci
Mortality Risk Factor Stratification in a Retrospective Cohort of Hospitalized Patients with Community Acquired Pneumonia
Meredith Sloan1*, Anna Owings1, Sarah Glover1, Julia Liu2, George E Abraham1, Brian Claggett3, Michal Senitko1
Commentary:  RRJ Pharm Pharm Sci
Pharmacognostic Use of Adhatoda Vasica and its Chemical Compostion
 Devansh Muni*  
Commentary:  RRJ Pharm Pharm Sci
Cause Diagnosis and Treatment of X-linked Agammaglobulinemia
 Noah Richards*