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2023: Volume 12, Issue 3

Research Article:  Res Pharm Sci
An Observational Study of the Pharmacokinetics of Adductor Canal Block using Liposomal Bupivacaine in Total Knee Arthroplasty
Will Shing Him Chan1, Timmy Chi Wing Chan1*, Henry Chi Yeung Mak1, Manson Tak Hei Chan1, Clement Hoo Chun Cheung1, Susan Wai Sum Leung3, Steve Po Yam Li3, Stanley Sau Ching Wong2, Chi Wai Cheung2
Research Article:  Res Pharm Sci
Experience of Mass Switching to Biosimilar Drugs in Patients with Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Rheumatic Diseases: Effectiveness and Safety, Intercambiosim Project
David Castro Corredor1*, LA Calvo Pascual2, VL Áreas del Águila3, V Salas Manzanedo1, MA Ramírez Huaranga1, M González Peñas1, J Seoane Romero1, L Martín de la Sierra López1, E Revuelta Evrard1, MD Mínguez Sánchez1, E Palacios Moya3, E Torres Degayon3, C Cebrián Carrascosa3, MA Paulino Huertas1
Review Article:  RRJ Pharm Pharm Sci
A Concise Review on Specific and Sensitive Analytical Method Development and Validation
Piyush Bachhav1*, Ruchita Bachhav2, Rushikesh Bachhav2, Ganesh Sonawane2, Kajal Pansare2, Dhananjay Patil2
Review Article:  RRJ Pharm Pharm Sci
Review of High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Its Applications
Rushikesh Bachhav*, Piyush Bachhav, Mayur Bhamare, Ruchita Bachhav, Ganesh Sonawane, Kajal Pansare, Dhananjay Patil
Mini Review:  RRJ Pharm Pharm Sci
A Review: Formulation of Sunscreen
Rutuja Nikam1*, Piyush Bachhav2, Mansi Pawar2, Yogesh Sharma2, Dhananjay Patil2