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2024: Volume 12, Issue 3

Commentary:  jpts
Cytotoxic and Genotoxic Effects of Persistent Organic Pollutants
Emily Carter
Opinion Article:  jpts
Examining the Efficacy of Novel Pharmacological Interventions in Chronic Diseases
James Thompson*
Opinion Article:  jpts
Genetic Factors Influencing Individual Susceptibility to Toxic Agents
Sophia Nguyen*
Commentary:  jpts
Integrating High-Throughput Screening with Genomic and Proteomic Approaches in Drug Development
Liam Rodriguez*
Short Communication:  jpts
Investigating Resistance Mechanisms in Antimicrobial Pharmacology
Olivia Patel* 
Perspective Article:  jpts
Metabolic Pathways Involved in Detoxification of Carcinogenic Compounds
Ethan Smith*
Commentary:  jpts
The Synergistic Role of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics in Determining Chemical Toxicity and Safety Margins
Ava Johnson
Commentary:  jpts
Pharmacological Therapies for Managing Cardiovascular Diseases
Mason Brown*
Perspective Article:  jpts
The Impact of Neuroinflammation on Neuropharmacological Treatments for Mental Health Disorders
Isabella Garcia*
Opinion Article:  jpts
Toxicological Effects of Nanomaterials in Biomedical Applications
Noah Lee