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2017: Volume 1, Issue 1

Editorial:  Res Rev Med & Clin Oncol
Personalized Medicine for Radiation Protection of Patients
Yuan-Hao Lee
Short Commentary:  Res Rev Med & Clin Oncol
Functional Tests: The Future of True Personalized Medicine in Oncology
Barbara Bessette
Review Article:  Res Rev Med & Clin Oncol
Role of Human Papilloma Virus Infection in Cancer of Cervix
Rasmy A, Osama A, Mashiaki M and Amal A
Case Report:  Res Rev Med & Clin Oncol
Peritoneal Carcinomatosis and Bilateral Ovarian Metastases from an Appendicular Ring Cell Carcinoma Over Carcinoid Cells Overall Survival More than 32 Months
Losada B, Gutierrez D, Manzanedo I, Juez I, de Torres MV and Guerra JA