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2024: Volume 8, Issue 1

Review Article:  Med Clin Oncol
Cell Cycle Dysregulation in Cancer: Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Implications
Maryam Inayat*, Zunaira Akram, Safoora Tariq, Ayesha Ahmed, Nida Fatima, Abdul Ghuffran, Muzammil Hussain
Commentary:  Med Clin Oncol
Parental Occupational Exposures and Childhood Brain Tumors: Impact of Ionizing Radiation
John Andrews
Opinion Article:  Med Clin Oncol
Understanding Tissue Damage in Cancer: An In-Depth Exploration
Mark Stanfa
Perspective Article:  Med Clin Oncol
A Perspective on Innovative Approaches to Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer
Dmitry Kovelskaya
Commentary:  Med Clin Oncol
Advanced Stem Cell Transplantation: Exploring HLA-Mismatched Related Donor Transplants
Catania Cassar
Commentary:  Med Clin Oncol
Ultrasonography in Cancer Diagnosis: Advancements and Clinical Impact
Rebecca Gardner
Commentary:  Med Clin Oncol
Deciphering Leukemia Cells: Exploring the Complexities of Cancer's Clonal Evolution
Paul Emma
Commentary:  Med Clin Oncol
Enhancing Treatment Precision: The Promise of Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC)
Paul Emma
Commentary:  Med Clin Oncol
Innovations in Tumor Cell Detection: Advancing Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
Shen Keita
Commentary:  Med Clin Oncol
The Complexity of Adenocarcinoma: Insights into Diagnosis, Treatment, and Research Endeavors
Shen Keita