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Articles in press and Articles in process

Editorial:  RROIJ
Editorial Note on Journal of Chemistry
Rahul Chand
Short Communication:  RRJCHEM
Synthesis and Characterization of Citrate Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles
Ankita Chaudhary*, Chetan Sangani, Rakesh Ameta
Research Article:  RRJCHEM
Investigation of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) in Ntanwoba Creek Using Dilution Method
Nimibofa Ayawei, Victoria Bennetta*
Research Article:  RRJCHEM
Effect of Water Pollution on Life, its Future Aspects and Remedies: An Overview
Jeevan Kunwar Chouhan*, Shipra Bhardwaj
Perspective Article:  RRJCHEM
Historical Development of Electrochemistry
Kathryn John*
Editorial:  JCHEM
Green chemistry and its impact on environment
Ikeda Pinaco*
Research Article:  RRJCHEM
Enthalpy and Bond Dissociation Energy Values for Tri-, Tetra-, and Penta-Fluorinated Ethanol’s and its Radicals: CH3−xFxCH2OH, CH3CH2−xFxOH, CH3-xFxCH2−xFxOH using Gaussian M-062x/6-31+g (d,p) Method at Standard Conditions
Hebah M Abdel-Wahab*, Joseph W Bozzelli
Review Article:  RRJCHEM
Recent Advancement Gasification Technology and Kinetic Modeling used Aspen Software
Jaikishor Mavai
Commentary:  Optical Characteristics of Films Produced of Ultraviolet Irradiated Polymers
Optical Characteristics of Films Produced of Ultraviolet Irradiated Polymers
Daniel rebosh
Research Article:  RRJCHEM
Free Radical Conservation Principle and Conservation Equation Research
Mingli Chen*
Research Article:  RRJ Chemist
Simulation of Adsorption-Desorption Characteristics of Clay Minerals on Heptadecane: Coupled Grand Canonical Monte Carlo-Molecular Dynamics
Review Article:  RRJ Chemist
Prevalence of the Diffusion Collision Model of Protein Folding In Vivo: A Mechanistic Analysis of the Acceleration of Protein Folding by Peptidyl-Prolyl Isomerase and the GroEL/ES Chaperonin System
Commentary:  RRJ Chemist
Green Chemistry: A Sustainable Future for Chemistry
Perspective Article:  RRJ Chemist
Medicinal Chemistry: Advancements and Challenges in Drug Development
Protocol:  RRJ Chemist
Mass Spectrometry: Unlocking the Secrets of Molecular Structure