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Research & Reviews: Journal of Botanical Sciences : Citations & Metrics Report

Important citations (524)
image Січкар ВІ, Пасічник СМ. Рівень прояву та характер успадкування елементів продуктивності у гібридних популяціях нуту. Селекція і насінництво. 2018(114):85-97.
image Karunasree p. a review on bioterrorism and biological warfare. biochem mol biol lett. 2017;3(2):85-94.
image Subramaniam p, kumar u, meenakshi b. a collaborative mobile based interactive framework for improving tribal empowerment.
image Naveen k, singh sp, kanwat m, chanu cb, jinus ss, gogoi kc, kalita h. traditional wisdom of mishmi tribe: converting himalyan nettle plant into ethnic wear.
image Thangavel s, rajeevan tv, rajendrakumar s, subramaniam p, kumar u, meenakshi b. a collaborative mobile based interactive framework for improving tribal empowerment. ininternational conference on computational vision and bio inspired computing 2019 sep 25 (pp. 827-842). springer, cham.
image Akwap p. nutritional quality of pumpkins (cucurbita pepo l) seeds based on the mineral and fatty acid composition (doctoral dissertation, kyambogo university).
image Si, e. t. (2020). p roduct-d ata-s heet.
image Wani ms, gupta rc, munshi ah, pradhan sk. phytochemical screening, total phenolics, flavonoid content and antioxidant potential of different parts of betula utilis d. don from kashmir himalaya. international journal of pharmaceutical sciences and research. 2018 jun 1;9(6):2411-7.
image Wani ms, gupta rc, munshi ah, pradhan sk. phytochemical screening, total phenolics, flavonoid content and antioxidant potential of different parts of betula utilis d. don from kashmir himalaya. international journal of pharmaceutical sciences and research. 2018 jun 1;9(6):2411-7.
image Zaki ay, aly ai. diversity and abundance of spider and other soil animals as influenced by fertilization and their effect on yield of onion at fayoum governorate, egypt. acarines: journal of the egyptian society of acarology. 2019 dec 1;13(1):57-72.
image Septiyan di, soemarno s. karakteristik lahan untuk tanaman bawang putih (allium sativum l.) pada inceptisol dan alfisol di kecamatan pujon, malang. jurnal tanah dan sumberdaya lahan. 2019 jul 1;6(2):1391-403.
image Haryanta d, thohiron m, gunawan b. study of onion growth (allium ascalonicum l.) using sediment soil media and urban waste compos. iniop conference series: earth and environmental science 2019 feb 1 (vol. 230, no. 1, p. 012086). iop publishing.
image Petrovic b, kopta t, pokluda r. effect of biofertilizers on yield and morphological parameters of onion cultivars. folia horticulturae. 2019;31(1):51-9.
image Lautenschläger t, neinhuis c, heinze c, göhre a, monizi m, pedro m, mandombe jl, bránquima mf, ditsch b. new records for the flora of angola: observations from uíge and cuanza norte. plant ecology and evolution. 2020 mar 26;153(1):132-42.
image Heinze c, dundão md, neinhuis c, lautenschläger t. economic potential of selected native plants from cuanza norte, northern angola. economic botany. 2019 mar;73(1):96-111.
image Vahekeni n, neto pm, kayimbo mk, mäser p, josenando t, da costa e, falquet j, van eeuwijk p. use of herbal remedies in the management of sleeping sickness in four northern provinces of angola. journal of ethnopharmacology. 2020 jun 28;256:112382.
image Lautenschläger t, monizi m, pedro m, mandombe jl, bránquima mf, heinze c, neinhuis c. first large-scale ethnobotanical survey in the province of uíge, northern angola. journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine. 2018 dec;14(1):1-73.
image Nicodemas d, magoha sh, fweja lw. the nutritional and anti-nutritional composition of the common cassava recipes in mtwara rural district, tanzania.
image Haritha mc, jayadev a. comparative study of moisture, crude fibre, protein and mineral composition in five varieties of cassava (manihot esculenta crantz) tubers.
image Soltis, d. e., & soltis, p. s. (2019). the value of the tree of life. the great tree of life, 75.