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Journal of Global Research in Computer Sciences : Citations & Metrics Report

Important citations (766)
image Tripathi v, gangodkar d, latta v, mittal a. robust abnormal event recognition via motion and shape analysis at atm installations. journal of electrical and computer engineering. 2015 jan 1;2015.
image Tripathi v, mittal a, gangodkar d, kanth v. real time security framework for detecting abnormal events at atm installations. journal of real-time image processing. 2019 apr;16(2):535-45.
image Perumal m, velumani b, sadhasivam a, ramaswamy k. spatial data mining approaches for gis–a brief review. inemerging ict for bridging the future-proceedings of the 49th annual convention of the computer society of india csi volume 2 2015 (pp. 579-592). springer, cham.
image Arzoo mk, prof a, rathod k. k-means algorithm with different distance metrics in spatial data mining with uses of netbeans ide 8. 2. int. res. j. eng. technol. 2017;4(4):2363-8.
image Khawas u, gautam k. impact of multiple tcp connection and increment of number of nodes in mobile ad-hoc wireless network. international journal of computer applications. 2017;168(13).
image Pandey sk, mustafa k. event log and audit trials related risk assessments.
image Torres mg, namoco jr cs. audit trail generator and pattern analyzer for secure online transactions in academic institutions. indian journal of science and technology. 2019 dec;12:47.
image Lenin k. reduction of real power loss & improving voltage profile index by improved ant colony algorithm. international journal of engineering sciences and management.:44.
image Lenin k. active power loss reduction by amplified ant colony algorithm. international journal of research-granthaalayah. 2018 jul 31;6(7):132-41.
image Deeban chakravarthy v, sivarajan s, gayathiri n. artifical bee colony (abc) algorithm with ecdh algorithm for finding optimal path and secure data transfer. int j sci eng res. 2014;5(3):436-9.
image Bello om, taiwe kd. mesh node placement in wireless mesh network based on multiobjective evolutionary metaheuristic. international journal of autonomic computing. 2017;2(3):231-54.
image Sridhar m. hybrid genetic swarm scheduling for cloud computing. global journal of computer science and technology. 2015 jul 17.
image Sheikh sm, wolhuter r, engelbrecht ha. a survey of cross‐layer protocols for ieee 802.11 wireless multi‐hop mesh networks. international journal of communication systems. 2017 apr;30(6):e3129.sheikh sm, wolhuter r, engelbrecht ha. a survey of cross‐layer protocols for ieee 802.11 wireless multi‐hop mesh networks. international journal of communication systems. 2017 apr;30(6):e3129.
image Venkateswaran aa, aneeshkumar a. a novel approach for liver disorder classification using data mining techniques‖. engineering and scientific international journal. 2015 jan;2(1):15-9.
image Lavanya¹ m, saravanan s. robust quantum based low-power switching technique to improve system performance. international journal of engineering and technology. 2013;5(4).
image Bali h, hemrajani n. attack analysis and designing of quality of service framework for optimized link state routing protocol in manet. international journal of intelligent engineering and systems. 2018;11(5):236-45.
image Yasin a, faraz a, rehman s. prioritized fair round robin algorithm with variable time quantum. in2015 13th international conference on frontiers of information technology (fit) 2015 dec 14 (pp. 314-319). ieee.
image Aaref am. a new cryptography method based on hill and rail fence algorithms. diyala journal of engineering sciences. 2017 mar 1;10(1):39-47.
image Suresh d, prasanth e. enhancing security using steganography with high avalanche effect encryption algorithm.
image Cuarto pm. linear congruence ax≡ b (mod n) solver. american journal of educational research. 2018 mar 1;6(2):149-51.