Res. Rev. J Mat. Sci
Abuduliken Bake
Modelling and simulation sensors of mems based pressure for industrial applications
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Kanij Mehtanin Khabir, Sakin Sarwar Satter, Farhana Anwar, Rafee Mahbub and Zahid Hasan Mahmood
Efficiency enhancement of anaerobic digester in microbial fuel cell through use of R. albus
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Azhar Iqbal
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Chukhovskii FN, Konarev PV and Volkov VV
Synthetic phase and morphology control over colloidal nickel sulfide nanocrystals
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Gozde Barim
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Guang J Choi
Crystallographic searches for weak interactions: The limitations of data mining
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Hans Jorg Schneider
Engaging undergraduate researchers in macromolecular crystallography
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Herbert Lawrence Axelrod, JuHe Lee, Ali H Saleh, Victoria Ngo, Michael J Collazo, Duilio Cascio, Christopher R Meyer and Madeline E Rasche
Influence of patterned substrates on miniaturization of surface patterns in soft elastic films
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Jayati Sarkar
Etching rate reactions on titanium surfaces under various electromagnetic radiation frequencies
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Katelyn Denyer
A century after the Braggs on precision and accuracy of single crystal X-ray results
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Krzysztof Wozniak
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Michael Stormer
Preparation and properties of the water-soluble copolymer and applied in bioimaging
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Large-scale growth of lead iodide hydroxide microwire crystal for an X-ray detector
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Study on uniaxial tensile and creep deformation of structural steel
Res. Rev. J Mat. Sci
Rajkumar Singh, Madhuri Thombre, Suraj Prakash Toppo and Sagar Bapat