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Editorial Board

Dr. Malarvili Balakrishnan

Dr. Malarvili Balakrishnan
Department of Biotechnology and Medical Engineering
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Biography :

Dr. Malarvili Balakrishnan earned her doctoral degree from University of Queensland in Medical Sciences Engineering in the year 2008. Prior to that she is having B.Eng. in Electric and Electronics Engineering from UTM(2002) followed by Electrical Engineering (Biomedical Signal Processing) from the same University in the year 2004. Throughout her career so far she has worked as Tutor (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 2002 to 2005),as a Lecturer at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (2005 to 2008),as an IT Manager in Faculty of Biomedical and Health Sciences Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia(2009 to 2012). Currently she is a Senior Lecturer in Faculty of Biosciences and Medical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia since 2013. She is having professional membership for several international academic bodies including "The Institution of Engineers Malaysia", "Board of Engineers Malaysia", "Biomedical Engineering Association Malaysia", "Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)", "The Australian Society for Medical Research (ASMR)" and "International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT)". Apart from these she is Committee member of several administrative committees. Her research and teaching interest encompasses bio signal processing, instrumentation and measurement in biomedical problems.

Research Interest :

Biosignal processing, instrumentation and measurement in biomedical problems.

Research Interest

Dr. Mohamad Kamarol Mohd Jamil 
Computer Engineering, MIET
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Universiti Sains Malaysia

Biography :

Mohamad Kamarol Mohd Jamil graduated from Ibaraki National College of Technology, Japan with Diploma in Electrical Engineering in 1994 before joining Sankyo Seiki (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. as Senior Engineer. In 2000 he commenced a B.Eng (Hons) in Electrical Engineering from Universiti Technology Mara, Malaysia (UiTM). He joined Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) with a University ASTS Fellowship in 2002. He received the M.Eng. degree from Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan in March 2005. In April 2005 he started his doctor course research study, which concerning the study on partial discharge properties in vacuum interrupter for the fundamental study of diagnostic technique development and the analysis of the insulation properties of CF3I gas as a potential candidates for the substitution of SF6 gas. He received his D.Eng. in March 2008. Within his doctor course study, he has received a Chatterton Young Investigator Award from the IEEE International Symposia on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum (ISDEIV) in 2006. He was a Visiting Researcher at the High Voltage Lab at Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan from 2013 to 2014. He was a senior lecturer at USM, Malaysia since 2008 and has been promoted to Associate Professor at the same university in Dec 2014. His research interest includes the insulation properties in oil palm and solid dielectric material, insulation properties of environmentally benign gas, PD detection technique for insulation diagnosis of power apparatus and electrical machine. He is also involved in temperature rise and short circuit electromagnetic study of busbar system. Dr. Mohamad Kamarol is a Chartered Engineer and a member of IEEE, IET, Board of Engineering Malaysia (BEM) and Institute Engineering Malaysia (IEM). He has authored or co-authored more than 70 research articles in international journals and conference proceedings.

Research Interest :

High Voltage Technology, Electrical Discharge, Partial Discharge Measurement Technique, Electrical Insulation

Research Interest

Dr. Yasser Gaber Dessouky
Dean of Scientific Research and Innovation
Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport
Abu Kir Campus 

Biography :

Professor Yasser Gaber Dessouky has graduated from Alexandria University in 1991. He got his PhD from Heriot Watt University, UK in 1998. He is a professor in the Department of Electrical and Control Engineering of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT) since 2006. Currently, he is the Dean of Scientific Research and Innovation in the AASTMT. He is a Renewable Energy Expert in the ESCWA and a member of the World Renewable Energy Network (WREN) UK, the DeserTech University Network (DUN) Hamburg Germany, and Egyptian Science, Technology and Innovation Observatory (ESTIO). Professor Dessouky is the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development and an Editorial board member for many Journals. He is leading Technology, Innovation and Commercialization Office (TICO) and the PI of the (Towards smart Grids: Design and Development of Energy Efficient Smart Home) project, 2015-2017 by Information Technology Industry Development Agency (ITIDA). Also, the AASTMT PI of an ErAfrica project funded by the European Union entitled, 'Development of a high-efficient power-generation from hybrid-fuel supplies', 2014 - 2017, the AASTMT PI of a TEMPUS project entitled, 'Highway and Traffic Engineering: Curricular Reform for Mediterranean Area', 2013-2016. He has a patent from the Patent Office in UK and supervised many PhD and MSc thesis and has many published research papers.

Research Interest :

Power Electronics and Industrial Applications, Electrical Machine Drives and Applications, Electrical Machine Modeling and Simulations, Hybrid Technology for Automotive and Transportation Applications, Grid Connection, DC Grids based on DC Transformers, Distributed Generation, Renewable Power Generation and Green Technologies, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development Technologies, Energy management, Cleaner Production, Energy Efficient Systems, Active Filters and Power Quality in Electrical Power System, Power Management and Control Applications for Power systems, Development of a clean and efficient power-generation

Research Interest
Dr. Pokkuluri Kiran Sree

Dr. Pokkuluri Kiran Sree
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women
Andhra Pradesh 

Biography :

Dr. P Kiran Sree has obtained his B.Tech degree in Computer Science & Engineering from JNTU Hyderabad and M.E in Computer Science & Engineering from Anna University with distinctions. He has obtained his Ph.D in Artificial Intelligence from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University-Hyderabad. His bibliography was listed Listed in Marquis Who’s Who in the World, 28 Edition (2012), U.S.A. He is the recipient of Bharat Excellence Award from Dr GV Krishna Murthy, Former Election Commissioner of India in 2013. He worked as Principal I/C of the N.B.K.R. Institute of Science & Technology, the second oldest private engineering college of the state for two years (04/12/2009-02/12/2011). He is the editor in chief of international journal of Parallel and Cloud Computing Research (PCCR). He has published 52 research papers in international journals and conferences. He is recognized supervisor in the stream of Artificial Intelligence for guiding Ph.D scholars at VIT and KL universities.

Research Interest :

Parallel Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Cellular Automata

Research Interest

Dr. Vishnu Narayan Mishra
Department of Applied Mathematics & Humanities
Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology

Biography :

Vishnu Narayan Mishra is Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Sardar Vallbhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat (Gujarat), India. He received the Ph.D degree in Mathematics from Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee. His research interests are in the areas of pure and applied mathematics including Approximation Theory, Summability Theory, Variational inequality, Fixed Point Theory, Operator Theory, Fourier Analysis, Non-linear analysis, Special function, $q$-series and $q$-polynomials, signal analysis and Image processing etc. He has published research articles in reputed international journals of mathematical and engineering sciences. He is referee and editor of several international journals in frame of pure and applied Mathematics \& applied economics.

Research Interest :

 Linear Positive Operators, Approximation theory, Functional Analytic aspects (methods) in Summability, Fourier Analysis, Quantum Calculus, Asymptotic expansions, Fixed point theory and applications in dynamic programming, Inequalities, Non-linear analysis, Special Functions, Variational inequality, q-series & q-polynomials and Operator Theory, Fractals & Wavelets, Signal Analysis & Image processing.

Research Interest

Dr. Jagadish H Patil
Department of Chemical Engineering
R V College of Engineering

Biography :

Dr. Jagadish H Patil. He obtained BE in Chemical Engineering with III rank to the KUD, India in 1998. Obtained M.Tech in Chemical Plant Design from KREC Surathkal in 2000. Completed PhD from VTU, Belgaum in 2013. Major research areas include Biomethanation of Organic waste and Biofuels. He is currently working as Associate Professor in department of Chemical Engineering, RVCE, Bangalore. He has 29 International journal publications and 12 International conference presentations with 70 citations. He has delivered talk at IIT Guwahati and many other places on his area of interest. Dr.  Jagadish H Patil is Life Member of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers and member of Indian Society for Technical Education. He is Editorial board member for many International journals and international societies.

Research Interest :

Biomethanation of Organic Wastes, Sustainable and Inclusive Technologies, Computer applications in Chemical Engineering, Pollution Control Engineering, Reaction Kinetics, Chemical Equipment Design

Research Interest
Joana Queiroz de Mesquita Guimarães

Dr. Joana Queiroz de Mesquita Guimarães
Post-Doc Position in the University of Minho 
Center for Microelectromechanical Systems (CMEMS-UMinho) Campus de Azurém 

Biography :

Joana Mesquita-Guimarães have graduated in Ceramic and Glass Engineering from the University of Aveiro, Portugal. Her PhD was in Chemical Sciences by the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain. Her PhD was integrated into an international project with the National Research Council of Canada and with the company Pratt & Whitney Canada. After, as a Post-Doc, she integrated two national projects: one with the University of Aveiro and the company Atlantis S.A. and later the other with the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil with University of Minho.

Currently, Dr Joana Mesquita-Guimarães have a Post-Doc position in the University of Minho and she is a collaborator on the Center for Microelectromechanical Systems (CMEMS), an associate laboratory that in 2013 was considered a Center of Excellence by FCT, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. Along these years, she has participated in 2 international and 4 national R&D projects. Dr Joana Mesquita-Guimarães was teaching at the Royal School of Glass of La Granja de San Ildefonso, Spain, on the topic of Materials and technology applied to the glassmaker sector. She co-supervised 5 final career works that have evolved to 2 ISI articles (one on Top 5) and 2 that are in progress. She has 20 ISI publications in Q1 journals (3 on top 5 (≥ 95% percentile)), 1 Spanish patent, and 3 chapters book, all as the first author. She is a reviewer for the ISI Journals: Surface and coatings technology, Elsevier Publishing and the RSC Advances, from the Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing. She was a member of the Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio and currently, she is a member of the European Ceramic Society.

Research Interest :

Currently, Joana Mesquita-Guimarães is researching on biomaterials synthesis of mesoporous bioactive glasses with anti-biofilm properties, carbon nanomaterials and bone grafts and dental prosthesis. She has experienced cell culture on In Vitro tests. In the past, her work was focused on the producing of ceramic composites and analysis of their mechanical properties.

Research Interest
Edmond S L HO

Edmond S L HO
Department of Computer and Information Sciences
Northumbria University
Newcastle upon Tyne

Biography :

Edmond S. L. HO from 2016 started working as a Senior Lecturer in Department of Computer and Information Sciences from Northumbria University,UK. He was a Research Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science from Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong SAR between period of 2011 - 2016. He was also a Lecturer for School of Computing and Information Sciences in Caritas Institute of Higher Education, Hong Kong SAR during 2011.

Research Interest :

Character graphics, Computer vision, Human activity understanding, Physically based animation, Robotics

Research Interest
G Rathnakar

G Rathnakar
Department of Mechanical Engineering
ATME College of Engineering

Biography :

G Rathnakar is a Professor and HOD in Department of Mechanical Engineering from ATME College of Engineering. He was active in organising several work shops, FDP (Faculty Development Program), guest lectures, several industrial visits, symposium for students and Faculty. He worked as Examiner, Member Board of Studies, Custodian valuation centre. He has conducted several workshops/national conferences/ International conferences, Faculty in charge Mechanical Departmental Association. Delivered several guest lectures.

Research Interest :

Design, Manufacturing, Composite materials, Management

Research Interest