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An Overview on Life of Patients with Haemodialysis

Bimla Naik*

Department of Medical Area, University of Udine, Udine, Italy

*Corresponding Author:
Bimla Naik
Department of Medical Area, University of Udine, Udine, Italy
E-mail: Bimla

Received: 03-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. Jnhs-22-55602; Editor assigned: 05- Feb-2022, Pre QC No. P-55602; Reviewed: 17- Feb-2022, QC No. Q-55602; Revised: 22-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. R-55602; Published: 1-Mar- 2022 ;DOI:10.4172/ JNHS.2022.8.07

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As the number of patients with chronic renal failure grows worldwide, Haemodialysis (HD) is becoming more popular as a maintenance treatment option. Despite technological advancement and change, HD remains a challenging and difficult treatment for patients, necessitating the assistance of caregivers at home or in hospitals. As a result, caregivers may experience a variety of problems, including psychological, physical, and social pain.

The need for long-term treatment, the long-term course of disease, the possibility of HD-caused complications, new demands, and major changes in their lifestyle are all reasons for their pain. All of these factors can lead to a high level of stress and the collapse of the patient care structure. Furthermore, psychological issues caused by reduced income, sexual disability, absence from work, forced leave of absence request, or early retirement to care for the patient at home can cause caregivers' personal lives to fall apart. These issues eventually affect patient management, or early retirement to care for the patient is a factor in the disease's progression. As a result, care for patients with HD should include care and support for caregivers, and understanding caregivers on the part of healthcare professionals is critical in the effective and continuous management of patients' illnesses. Healthcare professionals, in particular, are in an excellent position to assist patients and caregivers in adapting to changes, developing positive relationships, and improving strategies to help manage the changes caused by HD.

As a result, before providing support, healthcare professionals must first understand caregivers' experiences. Quantitative research makes it difficult to comprehensively review and analyse individual experiences, but qualitative research is required to understand the practical difficulties and effects of these issues in order to determine their degree of influence in comparison to quantitative indicators. Although quantitative studies outnumber qualitative studies, a comprehensive analysis of the latter provides meaningful data by allowing for an in-depth understanding of each individual's situational context and personal experiences. A qualitative meta-synthesis method extracts common major concepts that individual studies could not have identified. It provides a novel interpretation of the results by deriving and integrating the core concepts while respecting the uniqueness of each study through a thorough interpretation.

It can be difficult to review previous meta-synthesis studies when participants include both healthcare professionals and patients with HD, peritoneal dialysis, and organ transplantation. This is due to the fact that the diversity of participants makes understanding the experience of caregivers for HD patients difficult. Furthermore, very few studies have restricted their participants to mothers or parents, a special subgroup of caregivers. As a result, establishing a general understanding of the caregiver status becomes more difficult. As a result, there is a strong need for a review of qualitative studies using a set criterion for caregivers who care for HD patients in order to provide basic data for educational purposes or policies for HD patient caregivers.

The purpose of this study was to investigate nurses' experiences by analysing and synthesising the findings of qualitative studies on the experiences of caregivers of HD patients. The goal of this study is to gain a thorough understanding of common caregiver experiences as well as common questionnaire findings by comparing, analysing, interpreting, and synthesising the findings of qualitative studies that examined the experiences of caregivers who care for HD patients. The researchers hope to provide new insight into the experience of caregivers caring for HD patients by presenting a conceptual framework that goes beyond the simple collection of primary results from qualitative research.



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