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Automate and Secure Your Home Using Zigbee Technology

Nausheen Belim1, Harshada Bhambure2, Priyanka Kumbhar3, Simranjit Tuteja4
Students, Department of Computer Engineering, KJ College of Engineering & Management Research, Pune, MS, India
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The purpose of this paper is to design an automation system that is used to switch ON, OFF and get to know status of the home appliances by using computer using Zigbee wireless technology. ZigBee is a new technology, whose goal is to eliminate wired connections between electrical appliances and computer. Instead of connecting with wires, every electrical appliance has small zigbee. The home appliances are connected to the ports of the microcontroller board and their status are passed to the home server. The combination of NetBeans and EmbeddedC is used for monitoring and controlling software. The home Appliances can be monitored and accessed remotely by user via SMS or EMAIL where GSM Modem comes into use. Multi-vendor appliances can be added to the system with no major changes and hence system is scalable. Password protection is one of the functionality of the system so that unauthorized user can be denied from accessing home appliances. Another important feature is the security system that will continuously monitor the status of home appliances and take adequate actions if required.


Home Automation, Zigbee, Micro-controller, GSM Modem.


In recent years, mans work and life are increasingly tight with telecommunication and information. The informationized society has changed human beings way of life as well as challenged the traditional residence. Followed by the rapid economic expansion, living standard keeps raising up day by day that people have a higher requirement for dwelling functions. The intellectualized society brings diversified information and safe, comfortable and convenient life has become the ideal for every modern family.
The system will carry out the goal of modernized home integration system of automation control and management, house burglarproof and security and remotely control the household electric appliances through internet. The basic target of intellectual home automation system is to provide people a comfortable, safe, convenient and high efficient life environment and a humanistic service.


Neng presented architecture for home automation [1] the work focused on how an integrated system controlled home appliances. Moreover, the system only shows how to solve home automation problems at the software level; hardware aspects were not considered. Sriskanthan proposed system that could control electrical appliances using Bluetooth [2].The drawback of this system was that it was unable control system remotely through the dedicated network. Another system was proposed for controlling home appliances Bluetooth that was discussed by Shepered[3] but no implementations were successful. Wong proposed hardware-based remote controller that could be controlled through phone-based system[4]. Communication takes place not through Internet but via dedicated telephone line. A similar system has been proposed by Coskun and Ardam for controllibg home appliances through telephone system[5].


The Objective is to develop a smart home system monitored by Personal computer, to design a smart home system based on Zigbee wireless technology and 89c51 and to develop a system that can reduce the waste of electricity, saves human energy and makes human life easier. The Goal is to continuous monitor the devices, to change the status of devices conveniently and remotely access the home appliances.


The overall system is partitioned into two parts. The first part is focuses on the development of hardware where all electronic components are connected on microcontroller board. Input would be given by the user through his personal computer while lamp and fan would be the output components which are controlled by controller circuit. Wired connections between electrical appliances and user’s computer can be eliminated using ZigBee technology. The next part is focuses on programming to interface with the hardware components. The system is built using two languages. Embedded C language is used for 89c51. Java is used for creating GUI for user’s computer .The security system is added to achieve better home automation system.
The core of the home automation system consists of two hardware components: the home server and the microcontroller board. The home server is a high-end PC that hosts the Java-based management and control algorithm that enables the user to access the home appliances through SMS. It communicates with the microcontroller board through ZigBee. If the user wants to access the home appliances remotely, he will send a SMS through his phone example Device1 ## ON ,which will then be processed by the GSM modem at the Home Server side. This interpreted command is then sent by the server to the microcontroller board where the devices will respond as per the commands (i.e. switch ON or OFF).




At the client side user can monitor the status of the home appliances via computer or through cell phone by getting instant messages. The security personnel would continuously monitor home appliances as soon as the value of any home appliances crosses the threshold value necessary actions can be taken in order to prevent any damage.


Controlling home appliances with wireless technology has revolutionized our way of living. Home owners can come to an ideal environment coming from their daily activities. Technique used in this system is not complex. In this proposed home automated system remote access to home appliances is possible via mobile or email. Status of devices can be monitored by remote user and security agent. Using ZigBee we can reduce the wiring between the different components in the system making it compact and cost effective. In future many more features can be added in it like home appliances can be controlled by using voice call by implementing more secure and efficient techniques.


  • Neng-Shiang Liang; Li-Chen Fu; Chao-Lin Wu; “An integrated, flexible, and Internet-based control architecture for home automation system in the Internet era,” Proceedings ICRA '02. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 2, pp. 1101 –1106, 2002.
  • N. Sriskanthan and Tan Karande, “Bluetooth Based Home Automation Systems,” Journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems, Vol. 26, pp. 281-289, 2002.
  • R. Shepherd “Bluetooth Wireless Technology in the Home,”Electronics & Communication Engineering Journal, Vol. 13 Issue.5,pp. 195 -203, October 2001.
  • Wong, E.M.C, “Phone-based remote controller for home and office automation”, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 40 No.1, pp. 28 –34, February 1994.
  • Ismail Coskun and H. Ardam, “A Remote Controller for Home and Office Appliances by Telephone,” IEEE Transactions on Consumer, Vol. 44, No. 4, pp. 1291-1297. November 1998.
  • PC based control smart home system using Zigbee wireless technology, Thanikaikumaran A/L R. Kuppusamy, university of Malaysia
  • User-friendly Home automation Based on 3D virtual world, Jinsoo Han, JaeKwan Yun, JongHyun Jang, and Kwang-Roh Park
  • Intelligent Home automation system based on ZigBee WSN technology, Netvox