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Design of Shoe Sole Cleaning with Polishing Machine

Sreenivas H T1 and Shankar Gouda2
  1. Asst. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, VVIT, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
  2. PG Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, EPCET, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

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In this work, it is proposed to design a shoe sole cleaning machine, incorporating shoe polishing facility with this machine. As all the employees, faculty etc required to wear clean shoes before entering their laboratories, as these laboratories have highly précised instruments, sensors etc and the air inside should be very clean. Thus shoe sole cleaner with shoe polishing machine is designed, considering all the parameters with respect to customer need in terms portability and also economically available to them, thus providing not only clean environment but also provide the style quotient to the person with polishing effect.


There is a famous proverb “Cleanliness is next to godliness”. The machine which we have designed and fabricated implicates this, called as “shoe sole cleaner with shoe polishing machine”, here the shoes sole can be cleaned and polished in much less time with no effort.
Most of the industries, hospitals and educational institutions having the most preserved laboratories like computer labs, instrumentation labs operational theatre and various production, assembly sites in chemical, pharmaceutical industries etc, have to be free from dust and dirt which would be carried through the shoe of the employees to the work area, causing untidy environment and also sometimes hazardous to the working environment.
As prime importance given to the shoe selection nowadays, its maintenance is also being taken care and in some regions or areas tidy environment is preferred, hence cleaning of shoe, upper and lower part of it and also to have a elegant look to the human, polishing of the shoe is necessary, considering all these factors wide range of machines for shoe sole cleaning machine and shoe polishing machine has been evolved from the earlier centuries and also the project introduces a variety of concepts of the product and helps in selecting a better model for shoe sole cleaning and shoe polishing machine.


A Concept development process is the sequence of steps or activities which an enterprise employs to conceive, design, and commercialize a product. Many of these steps and activities are intellectual and organizational rather than physical. Some organizations define and follow a precise and detailed development process, while others may not even be able to describe the processes. Furthermore, every organization employs a process at least slightly different from that of every other organization. In fact, the same enterprise may follow different processes for each of several different types of development projects.
The Concept development process includes the following activities as shown in block diagram,
The schematic representation of the conceptual model A for Shoe sole cleaning with polishing machine is as shown through a 3-D CAD model in Fig 3.1




We have used single shaft, which carries the sole cleaning brush and polishing brush, and the shaft is supported with bearings at respective positions. Necessary gear train for the rotation of shaft are arranged in order to achieve the motion and the process of the machine to clean the shoe and polish it. In order to have a safe action of the machine the shaft has to be designed, considering the loads and forces acting on it. Thus the shaft designed to its safety.
A self weight of 1.5 kg, total weight of 14.71N for the shaft is assumed.
Material of the shaft: SAE 1040 annealed is considered.
From Design data hand book volume 1 (DDHBv1) we have,


The high speed rotation of the brush helps in cleaning the sole of the shoe effectively and the rotating brush attached to the same shaft helps in polishing the shoe, where the liquid polish is manually applied to the shoe by the user. Hence the shoe sole cleaners are extremely useful in places where the dust due to the footwear is a major problem. The shoe sole cleaning with polishing machine is a complete set up produced for cleaning the shoe in order to maintain dust free environment and also polishing the shoe to give an elegant look to the shoe as well as to the user. Thus we can conclude from the above that the usage of shoe sole cleaning with polishing machine is a must for all the industries (chemical, food processing etc) and institutions where cleanliness and dust free environment is a primary requirement.


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