The Sensor nodes are connected wirelessly to form a network called as the wireless sensor network (WSN). The nodes have confined battery power and the battery of the nodes cannot be replaced. These sensor nodes are used for collecting the sensor data and transmits them to the sink or base station. This data transmission from a node to the other node utilizes more energy if the data is broadcasted the from sensor nodes directly to the sink. The clustering method is used to reduce the energy utilization of the sensor nodes and the nodes are grouped into the clusters and the cluster-head in each cluster will gathers the data and transmits it to the sink. In the black hole attack, the attacker node broadcasts good paths to the node falsely during the route-establishment process. When a request is received by the attacker to the destination node for a route, it creates a reply for the short route and enters into the passageway to do something with the packets passing between them. If the Black Hole Node is present in the network, it will reduce the network performance along with the depletion of the energy in the network. In this paper, the technique presented is for detection and isolation of black hole nodes from the sensor network. In this technique, the black hole node is identified by monitoring the fake reply packets that are transmitted by the nodes and it will be removed from the network
Keywords |
WSN, Cluster, Black Hole Node, Malicious node. |
wireless sensor network (WSN) is a collection of sensor nodes spread over a particular area where the changes
should be monitored. A wireless sensor network consists of sensing elements, storage unit, processing unit and these
nodes can interact with the other nodes. All sensor nodes transmit through a wireless transmission. The sensor nodes
are randomly distributed in the area. If the sensor node is not able to transmit to the other node through an explicit link,
i.e. they are out of their broadcasting range; the packet can be sent to that node by using the intermediate nodes. The
concept of using the intermediate nodes to transmit the data is called as multi-hopping. There is no requirement to
provide an infrastructure to set up the network as the wireless sensor networks are not the centralized systems. The
wireless sensor networks have the end-to-end communication between the nodes.
Wireless sensor networks have self-healing and self-organizing capabilities. Self-healing allows the sensor nodes to
reconfigure themselves and try to discover an alternate path for the nodes when the link fails or powered-down. The
sensor node collects and forwards the data to the information sink using the multi-hop wireless network. A sensor
network is self-organizing because it permits the network to join a new node without any transmission interference.
Sensors are the powerful accessories which are capable of gathering the data from different devices, stores them,
sensing and transmitting the information to the sink or the base station. The sensor networks have the ability to
withstand environmental conditions and it has the ability to cope with the node failure. In wireless sensor networks, the
sensor nodes are cooperative in nature and are organized in a cooperative manner. In sensor network, nodes are not
required to be installed, as they are easily deployed anywhere in the network. The data gathered from different devices
can be retrieved from either the sink or the base station. |
The sensor nodes have fixed batter power perceives the remaining power. Base Station (BS) can be distant from the
field of sensor nodes and it doesn’t have a power constraint. Sensor node senses the environment at a steady time
interval and it will transmit the information to the base station. The sensor nodes utilize either multi-hop communication or directly forward to transmit to the base station. The nodes can scrutinize the transmission power of
the wireless transmitter. |
1.1 Routing Protocol:In wireless sensor network, routing is different from the general routing in the fixed network.
As WSN doesn't have a fixed infrastructure and the links are uncertain due to the failure of the sensor nodes and
the routing protocols should have to reconcile the requirements of energy saving in the wireless sensor networks.
The objective of the routing protocol is to generate routes between the sensor nodes to the cluster head and the
cluster head to the base station or the sink node. There are seven categories of routing protocols proposed for
wireless sensor networks. They are location based, mobility based, multi-path based, heterogeneity based, QoS
based, data centric and the hierarchical protocols. Of all the above mentioned categories of protocols, the hierarchy
based protocol is used in this paper as the routing protocol. LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy)
is an energy efficient hierarchical based routing protocol which is used for both the selection of cluster heads and
as the routing protocol for the sensor networks.There are two phases in LEACH; they are a setup phase to partition
the sensor network into clusters and a steady-state phase for the data fusion and the communication to the sink
node. It minimizes the consumption of energy by reducing the transmission cost among the sensor nodes and the
cluster heads. The single-hop routing is used by the LEACH in which the sensor node directly communicates to the
cluster-head and the sink node. |
1.2 Attacks in MANET: |
1.2.1 Wormhole Attack
Malicious nodes create a wormhole. It is a link of less delay from one part of a network to another portion of the
network in which the malicious node forwards the packets to the other malicious node. It is a network layer attack. In
this type of attack, message is captured from the one region of network and replaying in other region. The attacker
gather all message and other retransmits to make destination unreachable from network.
1.2.2 Black hole Attack
Attacker node broadcasts good paths to the node falsely during the route-establishment process in the case of reactive
routing protocols, or in the form of route update messages in proactive routing protocols. When a request is received by
the attacker to the destination node for a route, it creates a reply for the short route and enters into the passageway to do
something with the packets passing between them. This make destination system unreachable in network like the denial
of service attack. |
1.2.3 Sybil Attack
Attacker node has many identities in a network. This attack is effective on routing protocols, aggregation of the data,
fair resource allocation and misbehavior detection. Sybil attack is mostly straightforward to perform in wireless sensor
networks where the transmission carrier is broadcast and frequencies used by the node are same.
1.2.4 Sinkhole Attack
A malicious node forges the routing information of the incriminated node and makes that node more attractive to the
adjacent nodes. The adjacent nodes choose the incriminated nodes as their next-hop to route the data. An attacker can
fake optimal path by broadcasting high prime paths. The nodes in the network move their traffic onto the attacker node
as it is better than the currently used node.
1.2.5 Cloning Attack
A rival node uses the identity of a compromised node and it secretly introduces the copies of the compromised node.
These nodes can commence an attack that will be the downfall of the sensor network. |
Anbuchelian. S et al proposed an energy saving clustering algorithm for the efficient energy consumption and it also
detects the threats on the cluster heads in the wireless sensor networks.The Grayhole attack is a type of black hole
attack in which the malicious node selectively drops packets that it receives. Balancing the network loading between
the clusters and the uniform cluster location and extends the lifespan of the wireless sensor network [1].The
performance variables used in the paper are average end-to-end delay, throughput and packet delivery ratio. The packet
delivery ratio is the number of receiving packets to the generated packets. |
Dr. G. Padmavathi et aldiscussed the wide variety of security attacks in wireless sensor networks and the security
mechanisms to handle themselves from the attacks. Security goals are confidentiality, time synchronization, integrity,
secure localization, authentication, availability. Wireless sensor networks are susceptible to security attacks due to their
transmitting nature of the communication carrier [2]. Monitoring the transmission channel by attackers is known as
passive attacks. Attackers fabricate the data in the transmission channel is called active attack. Security schemes are
used to detect, prevent and recover from any attacks. The challenges in the sensor networks are also discussed in this
paper. The challenges in the sensor networks are also discussed in this paper. This paper summarizes the security
attacks and the security mechanism to handle those attacks in the wireless sensor networks.
Vipul Sharma et al proposed the mechanism for the detection of black hole attack in Leach based sensor networks.
The clusters are created from the sensor nodes on the basis of signal strength.The leach protocol is initiated to elect the
cluster head for each round. Each sensor node in the particular cluster has the probability to be selected as the cluster
head using the leach protocol [3]. It is an energy efficient cluster based hierarchy routing protocol. Base station
maintain the ids of the cluster head at each round and if the cluster head repeats represents the network is under black
hole attack. Base station sends the alert packet to the sensor nodes.If the cluster head is not repeated there is no black
hole node in the network and the data transmission across network successfully. The proposed model is detecting
whether the cluster head is the black hole node or not and it will not detect the sensor nodes as a black hole node. |
Kalpana Sharma et al discussed the security threats and challenges that are faced by the wireless sensor networks.
Sensor networks have an additional weakness as the sensors are deployed in an uncongenial location. This paper is also
discussed about the counterattacks and the possible preventive measures for the various attacks. Attacks on the wireless
sensor networks are categorized based on attacks against security mechanisms and the routing mechanisms [9]. The
defense mechanisms for the attacks are using spread spectrum to prevent jamming and the client puzzles for flooding
attacks. The defense mechanism for the attacks provides only the guidelines about the security threats and the exact
solution depends on the type of application that the sensor network is deployed for.
Ju young Kim et al presented a study of the different threats, attacks and vulnerabilities for Wireless Sensor Networks
(WSNs). In node capture attack, an attacker gains complete gain over a node by physically accessing the node. Then
the attacker can remove the cryptographic functions and get the access to the data stored on that captured node. The
countermeasures for reducing the risk of eavesdropping on wireless transmissions are the use of encryption to preserve
confidentiality and it should be more difficult to locate and intercept the wireless signals [8]. Hardware attestation,
software authentication and validation are the countermeasures against the software attacks. The different classes of
these threats are defined to identify a possible countermeasure scheme applicable for each threat classification. |
TEODOR-GRIGORE LUPU presented the different types of attacks in wireless sensor networks. Attacks on the
different layers are categorized. The security attacks and the threats can be categorized based on the mechanisms used
in those attacks [16]. Traffic analysis is the process of analyzing the messages in order to identify the data from patterns
in the connection. Data from an authentic person who is entering into a network can be fabricated by an attacker and it
can be replayed the next day. Compromised nodes within a network can cause the internal attack and it is hard to
identify those compromised nodes in the network. Thinking like an attacker is a better choice for creating the intrusion
detection system.
Ms.Manisha Rana et al proposed an approach to minimize power consumption by caching the data. In the proposed
approach, unicasting is used instead of broadcasting. With the use of unicasting, energy consumption is saved and the
network life is improved [11]. To provide information nearer to a sink, the information from it should be cached nearby
the sink. Sensors have confined storage content; the nodes use a cooperative caching mechanism by utilizing a cache of
the nearby nodes. Diagonal routing is used to reduce the length between the source nodes to a sink and it will reduce
energy consumption in a network |
A wireless sensor network is a group of scattered sensors to supervise the physiological phenomenon. Each sensor node
is capable of sense, process and communicates with the other sensor nodes. The sensor nodes organize themselves to
form a multi-hop wireless network that gathers the data and relays it to the sink. The sensor networks have the ability to
withstand environmental conditions and it has the ability to cope with the node failure. The sensor networks are often
deployed in the hostile environment. The sensors have limited battery power and it is hard to restore or retrieve the
battery of the sensors. To increase the lifetime of the sensor nodes and to reduce the battery utilization in the nodes,
various techniques had been proposed. In all of the proposed methods, clustering is the high energy effective technique.
The cluster-heads are chosen in this technique and the cluster-heads take part in the communication to sink node.
Different clustering algorithms are used for the selection of cluster-heads. The sensor networks are insecure to attacks
and the attacks upon network availability, integrity, secrecy and authentication are the classification of the attacks. The
cryptographical mechanisms can be used to preclude the attacks on privacy and legitimacy of the contents. The security
mechanisms used in these networks are key management protocols, secure data aggregation and the trust management.
Black hole attack is the dropping of the packets and it depletes the battery power in the network. The attack is carried
out by either the compromised nodes or malicious nodes, which are present in the network. The cluster heads which are
elected collect the information from the sensor nodes in the cluster and the cluster head will forward the collected
information to the sink node or the base station. If the cluster head is the malicious or the black hole node, then there is
no data exchange between the cluster head and the sink node as the malicious cluster head node drops the information
which is received from the sensor nodes. Hence, there will be a higher degradation in the network performance of the
sensor network. |
A significant amount of research has been devoted to study security issues as well as countermeasures to various
attacks in wireless sensor networks. However, there is still much research work needed to be done in the area. This
paper propose a mechanism for identifying and isolating all the malicious nodes present in the sensor network to
provide enhanced security and stability in the wireless sensor networks.
The proposed model for the identification and isolation of blackhole node involves the following steps. The wireless
sensors are deployed in the field randomly. The K mean clustering method is applied for creating the clusters in the
sensor network. The clusters are formed so the sensor nodes within that cluster will forward the sensed data to the
cluster head of the corresponding cluster not directly to the sink node. The cluster head for each cluster are selected on
the LEACH (Low Energy Adaptive Cluster Hierarchy) protocol. This protocol allows the sensor nodes the possibility
to be selected as the cluster head. The network performance of the sensor network is analysed for the presence of the
black hole node. If the network performance is lower than the threshold, then the black hole node is present in the
network. The sensor nodes broadcast the route request messages to transmit to the other node in the network. Within
the cluster, the cluster head gathers the sensed data from the sensor nodes and it will transmit to the sink. The source
sensor node will wait for the reply messages to the route request messages sent by the source sensor node. If the black
hole is present in the sensor network, the black hole node will send the fake reply packet with the distance to the
destination node value is less. The source sensor node will acknowledge the black hole node as the neighbor node and
it will transmit the data to the black hole node. The black hole node simply discards or drops the packet. The sensor
nodes will check for the fake reply packets and identify the black hole node and it will inform the other nodes in the
network that particular node is the black hole node. Thus, the black hole node is isolated from the network and if the
black hole node transmits the reply packets to other sensor nodes, the nodes simply discard the reply messages. The
proposed methodology is implemented in a simulated environment and the results are compared with the existing
technique.The parameters which are considered in the proposed methodology for the detection and isolation of the
black hole node are packet delivery ratio and the throughput of the sensor network. |
1. Simulation Configuration: |
The simulation for the proposed method has been carried out using the MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory). It is a highlevel
programming language developed by MathWorks.
In our simulation we are creating thesensor network consisting of 100nodes, the protocol used is LEACH, one
malicious node in the sensor network and the graphs of the results are generated. The graphs are used to signify the
variation in throughput and the packet delivery ratio using the proposed method. The blue line characterizes the change
in case of the new scenario and the green colour represents the scenario without the detection mechanism for the black
hole attack. These two parameters are a widely used for validating and confirming the use of particular methods.
be defined as the number of packet data received per unit time. Figure 4 shows the change in the packet delivery ratio
after the deployment of the proposed method. It shows that the proposed method enhances the packet delivery ratio,
while the packet is transmitted from the nodes to the base station or the sink node. In the previous schema, the packet
delivery ratio is varying from high to low on the presence of malicious node in the sensor network whereas in absence
of malicious node the packet delivery ratio is constant as the malicious activity isdetected and isolated from the
network. |
Figure 5 represents the network throughput after applying proposed method. As packet delivery ratio is constant in the
sensor network because of isolation of malicious node, so throughput of the network is linearly increased after some
pint of time. From the graph, we can see that when number of packet increase throughput is gradually increase with
time in our proposed schema shown by the blue line. While green line represents schema where the detection
mechanism is not implemented when the malicious node present in the network at that time packet continuous drop so
the line is constant for some period of time. |
The Figure 6 represents the packet delivery ratio of the sensor network which contains of the 100 sensor nodes and the
detection mechanism used is packet id based technique for the detection and the suppression of the black hole attack in
the sensor network. The Figure 7 represents the throughput for the same network. In the packet id based technique, the
cluster head can be detected as the black hole node. When the above graphs are compared with our proposed detection
mechanism, the throughput and the packet delivery ratio are improved than the packet id based technique. |
The replacement of the battery of the sensor nodes is difficult as the wireless sensor networks are deployed in a vast
topographical territory. Clustering is used to improve the lifespan of the sensor nodes and to reduce the utilization of
battery in the nodes. In the black hole attack, the attacker node maliciously drops the packet which is received by that
attacker node. The black hole attack causes the depletion of energy (battery power) and the data inconsistency in the
sensor network. The attacker node provides the false routing table information during the formation of paths between
the nodes in the network. If there’s a black hole node present within a network, then the overall performance of the
network will be less. In the proposed method, if the network performance becomes less than the threshold performance,
then the nodes will monitor the fake reply packets and identify the black hole node and removes it from the network.
This will reduce the battery utilization of the sensor nodes and enhances the performance of the sensor network. Our
future task will be to develop an algorithm which is capable in detecting the above mentioned attacks as well as
collaborative black hole attacks in which nodes act in coordination with each other and are successful in evading
detection. |
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