Modbus TCP/IP, Gateway, Increase data transfer rate, Reporting in SCADA. |
Information (data) is key parameters for controlling any industrial plant. If we are not sending data to control centre at right time then it will cause difficulties. So we must have to transfer data as fast as we can for taking corrective decision and also save that data for future use to the upper management level. All Instruments have different scan rate means all instruments take data from plant with various scan if we are using very high speed protocols at field side for transferring data, then it will take only same data from plant. So it will not appropriate solution for high speed and higher length data transmission. So we have to find solution which is fulfilling our scan time specification and also data transmission problem. Here we are giving solution for both problems. |
In this paper, it proposes design of fast data transmission for higher length for monitoring and controlling purpose. We are transferring data from field side to control centre. Instruments using in field side are compatible with RS-485 (Serial) communications. RS-485has slow data transmission speed for long distance so it is not used in monitoring and controlling purpose. For fast data transmission, we have to convert one protocol to another protocols using Gateway. It is also known as protocol converter. By using gateway we achieved fast data transmission speed for long distance. Here in this paper I am converting serial communication protocol into Modbus TCP/IP. There are also other protocols which have higher transmission speed compared to serial like profinet.So we can use any gateways for fast data transmission and send it to control centre for controlling and monitoring. |
In this paper, it proposed design of making report of instruments data using SCADA for future use.If we are making report system, when any event occurred in plant, then it will also use in future when same types of event occurred and taking corrective decision for controlling. These report system also use to send it to upper management level by mailing features of SCADA.When any events occurred according to our logic, then automatically report is generate and also send it using E-mail features. |
For the design of monitoring and reporting system,knowledge related to the gateway and configurations between instruments and SCADA is required. For the study of Gateway, various gateways manufactures manual is referred.Also study about how to make SCADA screen in SCADA software. For moredetails related to SCADA, website is referred. |
The data from sensors acquired to Data manager. Sensors attached with data manager as per numbers of channels. A data manager netIC is programmed with appropriate protocols according to gateway. Data manager’s output is taking in RS-485 and it is connected to gateway. Here it is use NT-50 RS-EN gateway for serial to Modbus TCP/IP conversion. Data manager’snetIC programmed with Modbus TCP/IP protocols. Input for gateway is RS-485 and output is Modbus TCP/IP. This output is connected through Ethernet cables to the Ethernet by using gateway we are enhanced speed and length of data transmission from field side to control centre. |
Now our PC system is also connected with Ethernet HUB. Now for data monitoring, controlling and reporting it is used ICONICS SCADA. This SCADA supports both 32 bit and 64-bit.It has features like GraphWorx, TrendWorx, AlarmWorx.By using GraphWorx, we can control the plant and also monitoring the plant data by using real time graph. Here we can also see the historical data on graph and record the data for future use.ByUsing TrendWorx, we can also generate the excel report file according to our specification. It is also give event based report generation and send it by E-mail features of ICONICS SCADA.For automatically event based report generation we have to give condition and also make an configuration in Microsoft outlook for e-mail of excel report. Thus using gateways we can speed up the data transmission for controlling of plant over long distance. |
Here we are testing different types of gateways for fast data transmission speed for long distance.Also take all the data on SCADA screen and make evenet based report in excel file.We can monitor the real time data as well as historical data on GraphWorx.Also successfully sent report file through E-mail features of SCADA. |
In FIG.2 data in the GraphWorx is shown.When you are going to runtime mode you can see the screen as shown in FIG.2.Left part of figure shows the real time data and right part of figure shows the historical data of system.Here in channel 2 RTD is input and on channel 3 manual 4-20 mA is given. |
In FIG.3. Shows the excel report datasheets of system generated in TrendWorx configuration. Also shows the value of channel 2 & 3 according to date & time. |
Thus by testing all the process, we conclude that Modbus TCP/IP and Profinet is better than RS-485 serial communications in both speed and length.Thus for better controlling over long distance in plant we can use gateways and also send event based smart reporting system using SCADA for future use to maintenance and Quality-control department cause improve in quality and accuracy of plant. Report is automatically generated and sent it to authorised person by E-mail features. |
Figures at a glance
Figure 1 |
Figure 2 |
Figure 3 |
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