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Level of Knowledge Management of the Faculty of Education of Sohag using Arthur Anders (KMAT)

Antar Mohamed Ahmed Abdul-Aal*

Comparative Education and Educational Assistant Management, Sohag University, Egypt

*Corresponding Author:
Antar Mohamed Ahmed Abdul-Aal
Comparative Education and Educational Assistant Management
Sohag University, Egypt
Tel: 00201012295244

Received Date: 11/04/2018; Accepted Date: 03/05/2018; Published Date: 10/05/2018

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The world is witnessing revolutions and scientific and technological changes unprecedented in human history. Advances in information technology and related developments in communications technology have increased the capacity of various institutions to link their operations to sophisticated global information networks, resulting in a reduction The time when information is collected, it has also enabled organizations to achieve coordination and coherence between their processes at the global level. This is because external factors of globalization and others have a significant impact on the direction and organizational structure of different institutions and thus affect the internal processes in which they are carried out. Those internal and external factors require continuous monitoring by institutions to formulate strategies to improve Market opportunities, challenges and opportunities for sustainability in their competitive environment.


Knowledge, Education, Management, Communications technology


The world is witnessing revolutions and scientific and technological changes unprecedented in human history. Advances in information technology and related developments in communications technology have increased the capacity of various institutions to link their operations to sophisticated global information networks, resulting in a reduction the time when information is collected, it has also enabled organizations to achieve coordination and coherence between their processes at the global level [1-4]. This is because external factors of globalization and others have a significant impact on the direction and organizational structure of different institutions and thus affect the internal processes in which they are carried out. Those internal and external factors require continuous monitoring by institutions to formulate strategies to improve Market opportunities, challenges and opportunities for sustainability in their competitive environment [5].

In the same vein, Hajje AG and Philips Phillips contend that this era of knowledge is a fundamental force, with institutions using information available to her to expand her activity and maintain her competitive advantage as the use of this knowledge adds value to the decision-making process [6]. The process of converting raw data into proactive information is therefore an important and essential component of the work of enterprises [7-9] also emphasized that knowledge and information are vital elements in the development of wealth and in the advancement of different institutions. By utilizing information systems in the process of generating and producing knowledge, thus the abundance of information available to enterprises will allow the generation of competitive advantage and increase Its ability to develop creativity and innovation to survive and prosper in the long run [7].

The importance of this research comes from the fact that attention to the concept of knowledge management is a new concept. It needs to be studied and managed. As far as the researcher is aware, there are not enough Arab studies that she has dealt with, and on the other hand, this concept affects the success of higher and tertiary education in achieving its goals under Highly competitive, especially at present, where globalization, intercontinental organizations and ongoing competition in various fields, in addition to the basic function of higher education institutions, they are responsible for the manufacture and production of knowledge, and they have to know the level of knowledge management.

Search Problem

Knowledge management is a new knowledge tributary, both in terms of economic theory and intellectual and methodological frameworks or at the level of practical applications. Despite the novelty of the concept of knowledge management, Western studies have preoccupied themselves over the past two decades by attempting to discern methodological approaches to the definition with its features, especially since this concept came with a companion and a concomitant of the intensity of the interactions created by the information revolution in all its branches and fields. In contrast to that concern, the concept of knowledge management has not received much attention from Arab scholars and researchers. Perhaps because of their recent history--relatively and historically--the information and communication revolution and its manifestations in all branches of theoretical knowledge and its practical applications, and perhaps because of the preoccupation of this Arab societies with traditional issues it may also be due to political and economic instability [10].

There are also many justifications that have been confirmed by many studies that have invited Egyptian universities to take care of knowledge management, including what the study of Abdel Moneim [11] has indicated as follows:

• Rapid progress in knowledge resources and communication networks requires universities to focus on knowledge management and the economic transformation of the Egyptian countries after the events of the revolution of January 2011, June 2013 would prompt the Egyptian state to think about the knowledge resources and human capital of Population up to more than 100 million.

• The need for Egyptian universities to be self-renewing and to cope with unstable societal and environmental changes, the numbers of students and graduates are no longer the basic measure of the university's strength.

• The need to transform the Egyptian economy from a raw material economy into a knowledge-based economy and to tempt this path makes it difficult to achieve progress for present generations.

Although Egyptian universities needed to manage knowledge but faced many difficulties, the study of Ahmed et al. indicated that organizations wanting to apply a knowledge management system is having trouble choosing the appropriate system for their current needs as well as the system that is chosen should be In keeping with future requirements, as systems differ in their potential, characteristics and characteristics, the lack of criteria for evaluating such systems is also seen as an impediment to firms in identifying and selecting the appropriate system.

The study Basten et al. [7] adds that when building a knowledge management system you must know all the stages and mechanisms by which to work in the organization the generation of knowledge is then included in the work stages to be included in the knowledge management system.

The study of the Agung has certainly made it clear to the institutions that they should adopt an explicit mechanism and policy for all workers on how to share knowledge through the knowledge management system. In addition to learning institutions I impose a policy of reward and punishment for those who do not participate and who participate in the sharing of knowledge and that can be linked to the salaries of workers. It should also provide the necessary training to all its staff on how to use the Knowledge management system.

Despite the growing interest in the development of the tertiary education system, the majority of Arab universities, including Egyptian universities, have not paid attention enough to manage the knowledge in its units and colleges despite its need for it [12], and in the same vein confirmed [13] states of the eastern region The middle is not interested in knowledge management there is a dearth of scientific research that discusses this subject, particularly in government sector organizations.

Furthermore, many studies have revealed a decline in the level of knowledge management operations, where this is a study [2,14]. There are many phenomena that demonstrate the weak capacity of universities to fulfil the desired role they must play in society, the most important of which are the following:

• Low knowledge production and low cognitive achievement for beneficiaries in educational services.

• Lack of analytical and creative capacities as a product of university education.

• Weak and underdeveloped research and development activities in Arab universities, including Egypt.

• The isolation of educational and university institutions within their home countries, which is losing the capacity to exploit available knowledge resources.

• Universities retain traditional concepts in terms of focusing on final tests of the calendar processes without a review of capacity and skills.

• Quantitative expansion of education without attention to quality, which loses its ability to produce human cadres able to work in both local and international labour markets efficiently and to make them lose their competitive position.

If there is agreement from most of the previous studies on the fact that knowledge is an important resource that needs to be managed as well as other aspects of university education and to be measured and to determine the reality of knowledge management in the Faculty of Education in Sohag as a sub-unit of higher and tertiary education, by analyzing and the translation of the Arthur Anders ' knowledge Management standard, called "Knowledge management Assessment Tool", is defined in the acronym KMAT in the state of the United States of America, which includes several queries in the form of a questionnaire that uses answers in the overall position of the college on issues Key knowledge management (operations, leadership, culture, technology, metrology This tool has been developed by the American Center for Productivity and Quality America Productivity & Quality Centre and Arthur Anderson Arthur Andersen to help different institutions to self-evaluate To manage their knowledge

Based on the foregoing, the problem of study can be formulated in the following key question: "What is the knowledge management of the Faculty of Education in Sohag using KMAT?

To answer this question, the researcher should answer the following sub-questions:

1. What is the philosophy of knowledge management and its dimensions in modern administrative and pedagogical thinking?

2. What is the reality of knowledge management in the Faculty of Education in Sohag using KMAT?

3. What are the proposed mechanisms for the development and activation of knowledge management based on the results of the KMAT scale at the Faculty of Education in Sohag Knowledge management is a new knowledge tributary, both in terms of economic theory and intellectual and methodological frameworks or at the level of practical applications. Despite the novelty of the concept of knowledge management, Western studies have preoccupied themselves over the past two decades by attempting to discern methodological approaches to the definition With its features, especially since this concept came with a companion and a concomitant of the intensity of the interactions created by the information revolution in all its branches and fields. In contrast to that concern, the concept of knowledge management has not received much attention from Arab scholars and researchers. Perhaps because of their recent history--relatively and historically--the information and communication revolution and its manifestations in all branches of theoretical knowledge and its practical applications, and perhaps because of the preoccupation of this Arab societies with traditional issues it may also be due to political and economic instability.

There are also many justifications that have been confirmed by many studies that have invited Egyptian universities to take care of knowledge management, including what the study of [14] has indicated as follows:

• Rapid progress in knowledge resources and communication networks requires universities to focus on knowledge management and the economic transformation of the Egyptian countries after the events of the revolution of January 2011, June 2013 would prompt the Egyptian state to think about the knowledge resources and human capital of Population up to more than 100 million.

• The need for Egyptian universities to be self-renewing and to cope with unstable societal and environmental changes, the numbers of students and graduates are no longer the basic measure of the university's strength.

• The need to transform the Egyptian economy from a raw material economy into a knowledge-based economy and to tempt this path makes it difficult to achieve progress for present generations.

Although Egyptian universities needed to manage knowledge but faced many difficulties, the study of Ahmed [12] indicated that organizations wanting to apply a knowledge management system is having trouble choosing the appropriate system for their current needs as well as the system that is chosen should be In keeping with future requirements, as systems differ in their potential, characteristics and characteristics, the lack of criteria for evaluating such systems is also seen as an impediment to firms in identifying and selecting the appropriate system.

The study Basten et al. [5] adds that when building a knowledge management system you must know all the stages and mechanisms by which to work in the organization the generation of knowledge is then included in the work stages to be included in the knowledge management system.

The study of the Agung [3] has certainly made it clear to the institutions that they should adopt an explicit mechanism and policy for all workers on how to share knowledge through the knowledge management system. In addition to learning institutions I impose a policy of reward and punishment for those who do not participate and who participate in the sharing of knowledge and that can be linked to the salaries of workers. It should also provide the necessary training to its entire staff on how to use the Knowledge management system.

Despite the growing interest in the development of the tertiary education system, the majority of Arab universities, including Egyptian universities, have not paid attention enough to manage the knowledge in its units and colleges despite its need for it [11] and in the same vein confirmed [9] states of the eastern region The middle is not interested in knowledge management there is a dearth of scientific research that discusses this subject, particularly in government sector organizations.

Furthermore, many studies have revealed a decline in the level of knowledge management operations, where this is a study [8,13]. There are many phenomena that demonstrate the weak capacity of universities to fulfil the desired role they must play in society, the most important of which are the following:

• Low knowledge production and low cognitive achievement for beneficiaries in educational services.

• Lack of analytical and creative capacities as a product of university education.

• Weak and underdeveloped research and development activities in Arab universities, including Egypt.

• The isolation of educational and university institutions within their home countries, which is losing the capacity to exploit available knowledge resources.

• Universities retain traditional concepts in terms of focusing on final tests of the calendar processes without a review of capacity and skills.

• Quantitative expansion of education without attention to quality, which loses its ability to produce human cadres able to work in both local and international labour markets efficiently and to make them lose their competitive position.

If there is agreement from most of the previous studies on the fact that knowledge is an important resource that needs to be managed as well as other aspects of university education and to be measured and to determine the reality of knowledge management in the Faculty of Education in Sohag as a sub-unit of higher and tertiary education, by analyzing and the translation of the Arthur Anders ' knowledge Management standard, called "Knowledge management Assessment Tool", is defined in the acronym KMAT in the state of the United States of America, which includes several queries in the form of a questionnaire that uses answers in the overall position of the college on issues Key knowledge management (operations, leadership, culture, technology, metrology This tool has been developed by the American Center for Productivity and Quality America Productivity & Quality Centre and Arthur Anderson Arthur Andersen to help different institutions to self-evaluate?

The Importance of Research

The importance of this research lies in the importance of the subject matter you are dealing with, where knowledge management is one of the most modern administrative subjects that have not been given a chance to research in the faculties of education, as far as the researcher is concerned. Today, knowledge management is one of the most important entry points and instruments that affect the success of institutions, highlighting the need To reveal the most important reality of performance for its operations, practices and outputs; This research seeks to contribute to the development of proposed mechanisms for the development and activation of knowledge management at the Faculty of Education of Sohag University to help stakeholders and decision makers in revealing the real level of knowledge management reality and practices, which may support the trend towards their application and benefit in the efficient and effective fulfilment of their college functions.

Search Objectives

This research seeks to achieve the following objectives:

• Shed light on the concept of knowledge management, as it is a relatively recent concept, which has been addressed by many areas of different angles, leading to some ambiguity and generality in addressing it, which may improve the way it is practised in tertiary institutions.

• Learning about the reality of knowledge management in the Faculty of Education in Sohag, through the identification of the reality of the application of different aspects of knowledge management in: Processes, leadership, culture, technology and metrology.

• Provide a set of recommendations and proposals that can help to benefit from knowledge management at tertiary institutions.

• Search limits.

• Time limits: This study was carried out during the year 2017.

• Spatial boundaries: This study was carried out at the Faculty of Education of Sohag University.

• Substantive limits: This study was limited to the study of the measurement of the level of knowledge management, which includes the basic stages set out in the Arthur Andersen standards and includes: operations, leadership, culture, technology and Metrology in the Faculty of Education in Sohag.

• Human boundaries: The study was limited to vocational diploma students specializing in school administration at the Faculty of Education in Sohag.

Data Collection Methods

The study has relied on the following data and information collection:

• Primary sources: Data collected from the study community through the standard that has been translated

• Secondary sources: Books, periodicals, theses and websites that have been used to cover the theoretical aspect of this study

Search Terms

Knowledge management concept

Knowledge management is defined as "the systematic and clear management of knowledge and associated processes for their development, collection, organization, dissemination, use and exploitation. It requires the transformation of personal knowledge into cooperative knowledge that can be clearly shared through the Organization (pigment, 2000 m).

Knowledge management can be defined as the planning and organization of intangible knowledge assets in university education as a process, leadership, culture, technology and measurements. They can be applied, followed up and straightened out with a view to developing the educational process in higher education institutions.

Search Methodology

The choice of the appropriate science curriculum is one of the basic research steps that help the researcher achieve the objectives of the study, and the researcher has used the following research entries:

Descriptive input

The current research has in some parts relied on the descriptive approach to reach the specific objectives of that study. Knowledge management and processes were in fact described and expressed quantitatively or qualitatively, which is the most common curriculum in studies related to human problems and phenomena and is represents the theoretical framework for research, describing and analyzing the management, types, relevance and important aspects of knowledge, such as its impact on the educational process and its various components.

Case Study Portal

The current research is conducted according to the case study methodology, which is a way of examining social phenomena through an in-depth analysis of an individual case. In the Faculty of Education Sohag University, based on the assumption that the studied unit can be taken for other similar cases or from the same pattern and therefore used Researcher approach the case study as a scientific approach suited to the nature of this research as it aims to determine the reality of knowledge management and its effectiveness in the Faculty of Education in Sohag. The research followed the survey method, which allows for the use of accurate reasoning and analysis of the information and data available to the researcher about knowledge management processes in college.

Analysis and Discussion of the Results of the Study

Study field overview

Before you enter the descriptions of the study sample, you need to explain briefly the study of the Faculty of Education of Sohag University.

Sohag University is one of the fledgling regional universities based in Sohag City and its overall strategic objective is to cover the needs of the local and national labour market and the regional graduates who are scientifically and practically qualified as well as a generation of distinguished scientists capable of leading the development wheel in all Humanitarian, social, humanitarian and applied Sciences.

The first faculty of the University of Sohag, the Faculty of Education, was established in 1971 and was then affiliated to Assiut University, then to the University of the South Valley, and the colleges were then set up until today there are 10 colleges. And then the university was officially separated from the University of South Valley in 2006.

The Faculty of Education of Sohag University is also a teacher who prepares teachers at all levels from kindergarten to teacher specializing in secondary education; the College is concerned with quality standards in teacher preparation and has determined the college vision to become one of the leading colleges Excellence in education, culture, educational research, enrichment and promotion of knowledge.

As the Dean said on the college website, the college is committed to offering the best educational and research opportunities to the teacher, with a high level of quality and an educational environment that works to produce an experienced and qualified teacher to adapt in his work to the requirements of the time.

The college works to communicate and engage in fruitful and sustained cooperation with other bodies that are concerned with the service of society and the Sustainable development of society. The College is also working to contribute to the solution of educational problems through the educational and psychological research done by faculty members and researchers.

A number of college labs have been equipped in teaching technology, language, microteaching, computer, psychology and tests with the latest scientific equipment. That contribute to the quality of education in the college, and most classrooms are provided with data show so that the scientific material can be presented for students in a manner appropriate to the knowledge revolution and the information explosion.

The college has a number of research areas in the five sections of the college that meet the research objectives of each section in community service and scientific research. These sections include:

• Curriculum and Teaching Methods Section

• Education Asset Section

• Mental Health Section

• Department of Educational Psychology

• Department of Comparative Education and educational management

• Sample Search

The research community is made up of postgraduate students (a vocational diploma specializing in school administration), the Faculty of Education in Sohag, where the sample size was 53 students.

Search Tool

The design of the current search tool was based on the American Centre for Productivity and quality (Productivity &QC Center) to test the knowledge management capability of organizations called the Knowledge Management Assessment Tool (KMAT) These are five areas of knowledge management processes, leadership of knowledge management, knowledge management culture, knowledge management technology and knowledge management metrics. The data were collected from the sample by sending the questionnaire by e-mail to the respondents. See annex 1 containing the special link With the questionnaire, the measure consists of a number of questions, the answer to which is one of five options in all paragraphs of the scale of the pentagram and the divider is not strongly approved. And not OK and neutral and OK and strongly agree, according to the pentagram scale, the weights of the resolution paragraphs have been determined, where Four points to answer very significantly (ok heavily), give three points to answer significantly (OK), and answer two points moderately (neutral), the answer is a little one point (and not OK), while Zero is given to answer very little (badly disapproved).

In the light of the Organization's set of points, they are grouped into four levels of knowledge management and are as follows:

• The Faculty of Education in Sohag needs excellent improvement.

• The Faculty of Education in Sohag is going in the right direction.

• The College of Education in Sohag is on the front.

• The Faculty of Education in Sohag is a pioneer in the field of knowledge.

Sincerity Search Tool

To ensure the sincerity of the search tool, its paragraphs were presented after they were adapted for application to the Faculty of Education of Sohag University by a group of specialized arbitrators of the faculty the Faculty of Education of some Egyptian universities with a professor and an assistant professor and the number of them (5) have been airtight, and the observations and opinions have been taken Submitted by the Group of Arbitrators on the translation and modernization of the tool, which was reached (24) a paragraph distributed to the Knowledge management Department of the Faculty of Education of Sohag University as follows:

• Knowledge management processes five paragraphs

• Knowledge management Leadership Four paragraphs

• Knowledge management culture Five paragraphs

• Knowledge management Technology six paragraphs

• Knowledge management measurements four paragraphs

Static Search Tool

To make sure data is free of errors if the same questionnaire is re-used in the same study again. The persistence factor for the study tools has been calculated by equalizing the internal consistency calculation of the alpha-alpha Cornbach where the overall persistency coefficient of the scale (0.786), the overall persistency coefficient for each One of the areas of the knowledge Performance tool at the Faculty of Education in Sohag is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Internal consistency factor values for a scale.

Knowledge management processes 0.813
Leadership of knowledge management 0.702
Knowledge management culture 0.795
Knowledge management Technology 0.801
Knowledge management Metrics 0.821

Results of the first dimension in the scale associated with knowledge management processes

To answer the study question about what is the level of knowledge management of the Faculty of Education in Sohag University using the KMAT scale the arithmetic mean of the study sample answers has been calculated against the five axes of the scale.

By extrapolating (Table 2), it is clear that the total paragraphs of the first dimension of knowledge management processes at the Faculty of Education in Sohag indicate that the faculty of Education in Sohag is in the forefront of knowledge management processes. The average of the answers was 3.92, with an average response degree of between 2.96 and AVG 3.6, where the paragraph relating to the work of the college was occupied with formal legislative frameworks on the process of transferring best intellectual practices in the first place with an average capacity 3.6 this is due to the existence of a specialized unit called the E-Services unit of the Faculty of Education with special sites on social media pages. Also confirmed The College’s strategic objectives are to work out a research map that responds to the actual needs of current scientific and technological variables. The paragraph, which is linked to the development of an advanced knowledge-gathering mechanism at the Faculty of Education in Sohag, is ranked fifth with an average capacity of 2.96, which shows that the faculty Education is going in the right direction to develop a specific mechanism to gather knowledge from its sources through its subscription to the information bases, with its work on the creation of an electronic library and its participation in the Egyptian Knowledge Bank.

Table 2. Total paragraphs of the first dimension relating to knowledge management processes in Sohag education faculty.

Paragraph Arrangement Arithmetic mean
Knowledge gaps are systematically identified while working to fill those gaps. 3 3.25
An advanced knowledge-gathering mechanism is developed. 5 2.96
All users contribute to a specific knowledge 2 3.433
The college works with formal legislative frameworks on the transfer of best intellectual practices. 1 3.6
Implicit knowledge (what teaching staff and employees know about their film and how they are unaware of how to express them) is of importance and value to the college. 4 3.23

The results of the second dimension in the scale associated with the leadership of knowledge management

By extrapolating (Table 3), it is clear that the total paragraphs of the second dimension of the leadership of knowledge management at the Faculty of Education in Sohag indicate that the faculty of Education in Sohag is in the forefront of the leadership of knowledge management. The average answers were 3.1, with an average response degree of between 2.64 and 3.5 average. Where the associated paragraph is the management of organizational knowledge is central to the college's strategy in the first place with an average of 3.5 and this corresponds to the message of the college which emphasizes the provision of special educational programmers for teachers and professional services in service and the development of the capacity of faculty members and the organ Of the faculty and the development of the scientific research system in the light of recent scientific, technological and administrative developments through an active partnership with the community, the paragraph, which is related to the compensation of individuals to encourage participation by knowledge, is ranked fourth with an average capacity of 2.64, owing to the rigidity of the items Exchange as compensation for participants in a given knowledge.

Table 3. Total second dimension paragraphs on leadership of knowledge management at the Faculty of Education in Sohag.

Paragraph Arrangement Arithmetic mean
Paragraph 1 3.5
1. Organizational knowledge management is essential in the college strategy. 2 3.14
2. The college understands how to commercialize knowledge services 3 3.12
3. The College trains knowledge-producing competencies and works to develop new competencies. 4 2.64
4. Individuals are compensated to encourage participation with knowledge 1 3.5

Results of the third dimension in the scale associated with knowledge management culture

By extrapolating (Table 4), it is clear that the total of the third dimension of the knowledge management culture of the Faculty of Education in Sohag indicates that the faculty of Education in Sohag is in the forefront of knowledge management culture. The average answers were 3.3, with an average response degree of between 3.2 average 3.48, the paragraph, which was linked to the promotion of the college, had facilitated the exchange of knowledge. In the first place with an average capacity of 3.48 and this is in line with the college's strategic objectives, emphasizing that faculty members are encouraged to conduct joint scientific research in different disciplines within and outside the college. While the associated paragraph came, faculty members are responsible for professional development on their own expense. In the fifth place with an average capacity of 3.2, this is due to the college and the university offering professional development courses at a certain fee to the capacity development Centre for faculty members and university administrators.

Table 4. Total third dimension paragraphs on knowledge management culture in Sohag education faculty.

Paragraph Arrangement Arithmetic mean
Encourages the college to facilitate the knowledge exchange process. 1 3.48
An appropriate scientific climate permeates openness and confidence. 3 3.33
The student is the primary target of knowledge management. 2 3.36
The work system is flexible and develops based on how users access and use information 4 3.24
Members of the teaching staff are responsible for professional development at their own expense. 5 3.2

Results of the fourth dimension in scale and associated with knowledge management technology

By extrapolating (Table 5), it is clear that the total paragraphs of the fourth dimension of knowledge management technology at the Faculty of Education in Sohag indicate that the faculty of Education in Sohag is in the forefront of knowledge management culture. The average of the answers was 3.2, with an average response rate of between 3.14 average 3.28, where the paragraph is linked to the distinction of the college with the existence of a technological communication network that connects all members of the teaching staff to each other and to relevant external actors. In the first place, with an average capacity of 3.28, where the college has an Internet access network in all the college offices, especially after the transfer The College to a new building in the new city of Sohag is equipped for that purpose. There is also a network of telephone numbers via the wats August, email and the college page on Facebook for all members of the college, while the related paragraph came easily access to technology in various units The college is ranked sixth with an average capacity of 3.14, which is due to the difficulty of accessing the Web-based Spiderstudy only through the e-Library. The rest of the college units are limited only to those responsible and the postgraduate students are not allowed to access them.

Table 5. Total of fourth dimension paragraphs on knowledge management technology at the Faculty of Education in Sohag.

Paragraph Arrangement Arithmetic mean
The college is characterized by a technological communication network that connects all members of the teaching staff to each other and to the relevant external actors. 3 3.28
Technology can easily be accessed in various college units. 6 3.14
Technology in the college is bringing its members closer together. 1 3.37
The College promotes the creation of information technology "focused on the human side". 2 3.3
Faculty members have modern technology at their offices. 4 3.19
The college's information system is integrated and intelligent and is presented in a timely manner. 5 3.17

Results of the fifth dimension associated with knowledge management measurements

By extrapolating (Table 6), it is clear that the total paragraphs of the fifth dimension concerning the measurements of knowledge management at the Faculty of Education in Sohag indicate that the faculty of Education in Sohag is in the forefront of knowledge management culture. At an average of 3.3 responses, with an average response degree between 3.24 and 3.48, the average of The paragraph, which was linked to the existence of a database in the college, was occupied in order to consolidate efforts whose knowledge is significantly higher in the first place with an average of 3.48, the paragraph, which is linked to the measurement of the college and is followed consistently by the value of its intellectual capital, is ranked fourth with an average capacity of 3.24, and can be returned This is difficult to measure and there are no clear criteria for evaluating knowledge management.

Table 6. Total Fifth dimension paragraphs on measuring knowledge management at the Faculty of Education in Sohag.

Paragraph Arrangement Arithmetic mean
It measures the kidney and consistently follows the value of its intellectual capital 4 3.24
The college develops a number of specific knowledge management indicators. 3 3.33
The college develops balanced measurement tools for financial and non-financial indicators. 2 3.36
The college has a database to unify efforts that are more concretely defined. 1 3.48

From all of the above, it is possible to draw the level of knowledge management in the Faculty of Education in Sohag according to the KMAT scale from the viewpoint of the sample study in Table 7 below.

Table 7. Average levels of knowledge management dimensions in Sohag education faculty.

Axis Processes Driving Culture Technology Measurement Total
Arithmetic mean 3.3 3.1 3.3 3.2 3.48 3.26

It is clear from the previous table that the five dimensions of the KMAT scale are available as seen in the study sample and this shows that the Sohag School of Education is progressing in all the axes of the KMAT on its knowledge management.

Results and Discussion

Discuss the results of the question on the performance level of knowledge management at Sohag University, the results of the study showed that the level of knowledge management at the Faculty of Education in the overall dimensions of the KMAT scale is high and that it is in the foreground as seen in the study sample. This is as follows:

• Aspects of the first dimension (after knowledge management processes) There is a very good degree at the Faculty of Education of Sohag University from the viewpoint of the study sample.

• Aspects of the second dimension (Knowledge management leadership) There is a very good degree at the Faculty of Education in Sohag University from the viewpoint of the study sample.

• Aspects of the third dimension (knowledge management culture) are very good for the faculty of Education of Sohag University from the viewpoint of the study sample.

• The fourth dimension (Knowledge management technology) is very good for the faculty of Education of Sohag University from the viewpoint of the study sample.

• Aspects of the fifth dimension (knowledge management metrics) There is a very good degree at the Faculty of Education in Sohag University from the viewpoint of the study sample.


• On the basis of these findings, a set of recommendations has been proposed on this subject:

• The need to pay attention to the creation and improvement of the appropriate regulatory environment in the faculties of education and to promote concrete and consistent material support to apply knowledge management initiatives and allocate part of those resources to the development of fair incentive systems for distinguished researchers and students.

• Work to assess the reality of knowledge management in Egyptian universities in general and education colleges in particular on the ground in more than one measure and style to correct what is not appropriate in terms of taking advantage of human capital in Egyptian universities that are formed by faculty members and students with creative abilities and evolving innovation.

• It is essential for university education officials and faculty members to be aware of the importance of marketing knowledge and the technology that competitors use to enable them to promote and achieve sustainable competitive advantage

• Work on the preparation of a future training plan for all university staff in the areas of knowledge management as it enables college-level staff to deal with many new special issues by providing them with the necessary capacity to make decisions efficiently and effectively and to make them a future vision for their institutions.

Universities should determine the appropriate strategy for implementing knowledge management with an operational programmer for the dissemination and application of knowledge management culture, while explaining the benefits of using knowledge management to develop the performance level of universities.
