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The Impact of Advanced Nursing Practices on Patient Satisfaction: A Comparative Analysis

Lorenzo Carosso*

Department of Nursing, University of Toronto, 27 King’s College Cir, Toronto, ON M5S, Canada

*Corresponding Author:
Lorenzo Carosso
Department of Nursing
University of Toronto
27 King’s College Cir
Toronto, ON M5S, Canada

Received: 01 May, 2023, Manuscript No. jnhs-23-104398; Editor Assigned: 02 May, 2023, Pre QC No. P-104398; Reviewed: 17 May, 2023, QC No. Q-104398; Revised: 23 May, 2023, Manuscript No. R-104398; Published: 31 May, 2023, DOI: 10.4172/JNHS.2023.9.3.85

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Patient satisfaction is a key indicator of healthcare quality and has a significant impact on patient outcomes. Advanced nursing practices have emerged as a crucial factor in enhancing patient satisfaction. This research article aims to explore and compare the impact of advanced nursing practices on patient satisfaction, focusing on various aspects such as patient care, communication, education, and interdisciplinary collaboration. By analyzing existing literature and conducting a comparative analysis, this study highlights the importance of advanced nursing practices in improving patient satisfaction and provides recommendations for healthcare providers to enhance patient-centered care.

Patient satisfaction is an important outcome measure in healthcare, reflecting the quality of care and services provided. Advanced nursing practices encompass a range of nursing interventions that go beyond traditional nursing roles and responsibilities, enabling nurses to provide more comprehensive and specialized care to patients [1-3]. This article aims to investigate the impact of advanced nursing practices on patient satisfaction, comparing their effectiveness in improving patient outcomes. Understanding the impact of advanced nursing practices on patient satisfaction is of paramount importance for healthcare providers. By identifying the key factors that contribute to patient satisfaction and comparing the effectiveness of different advanced nursing practices, healthcare organizations can implement evidence-based strategies to enhance patient-centered care and improve overall patient satisfaction levels.


Furthermore, this research article will address potential barriers to implementing advanced nursing practices and provide recommendations for promoting and integrating these practices into healthcare settings. By delving into the literature and conducting a comparative analysis, this study aims to contribute to the growing body of knowledge surrounding advanced nursing practices and their impact on patient satisfaction. Ultimately, the findings and recommendations will inform healthcare providers and policymakers in their efforts to optimize patient-centered care and improve healthcare outcomes.

Advanced assessment and diagnosis

Advanced nursing practices involve comprehensive and advanced assessment techniques to gather relevant patient data for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment planning. Advanced practice nurses (APNs) have advanced knowledge and skills to conduct in-depth physical assessments, interpret diagnostic tests, and identify subtle changes in patient conditions. It provides a comprehensive overview of the impact of advanced nursing practices on patient satisfaction, highlighting the significance of various aspects of patient care, communication, education, and interdisciplinary collaboration.

Advanced nursing practices and patient care

The findings suggest that advanced nursing practices, such as advanced assessment and diagnosis, evidence-based practice, care coordination, and patient safety initiatives, have a positive impact on patient satisfaction. These practices ensure comprehensive and individualized care, minimize errors, and promote patient engagement in their own care. Patients appreciate the thoroughness and attention to detail in the assessment process, leading to improved satisfaction levels [4,5].

Advanced nursing practices and communication

Effective communication is a fundamental component of patient satisfaction. Advanced nursing practices emphasize therapeutic communication, patient education, cultural competence, and shared decision-making. Research indicates that when nurses employ these practices, patients feel heard, respected, and involved in their care. Clear and compassionate communication enhances patient understanding, improves adherence to treatment plans, and fosters a trusting patient-nurse relationship.

Advanced nursing practices and education

Patient education plays a vital role in empowering individuals to manage their health effectively. Advanced nursing practices focus on providing comprehensive and tailored patient education, addressing health literacy, and facilitating smooth transitions from hospital to home. Patients who receive adequate education and support from advanced practice nurses exhibit increased satisfaction, self-confidence, and improved health outcomes.


The impact of advanced nursing practices on patient satisfaction has been extensively examined in this research article through a comparative analysis. The findings consistently demonstrate that advanced nursing practices significantly contribute to improving patient satisfaction across various aspects of care, including patient care, communication, education, and interdisciplinary collaboration.


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