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Special Issue Article Open Access

A Battery-Balancing Nine-Level Inverter


Abstract—In this paper, a nine-level inverter was designed and implemented to operate a battery balanced discharge system, which increases the ability of a stored energy utilization of a renewable energy sources. Also in this system a cascaded multilevel inverter with selective harmonic elimination and an algorithm to calculate the switching angles of a cascaded multilevel inverter minimizing the total harmonics distortion (THD) is proposed. The input of each level of cascaded multilevel inverter circuit is directly connected to a battery. Duty cycle of switch of each level is controlled to contain the ac output voltage with minimize total harmonic distortion. Additionally, the battery balanced discharged function is also achieved. Finally, an equivalent model block diagram of the proposed system to verify the feasibility and advantage by using Simulink software MATLAB. The stimulation results show that the proposed multilevel inverter with selective harmonic elimination and battery-balanced discharge function can eliminate harmonic and improve the cascaded battery-imbalanced problem effectively as we required. Index Terms—Cascaded Inverter, Minimum THD, Battery balanced discharge.

R. Dharmaprakash, P. Vetri velavan

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