e-ISSN: 2322-0139 p-ISSN: 2322-0120

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Commentary Open Access

A Brief Note on Forensic Toxicology


Forensics as well as other fields such as chemical analysis, pharmacology, and clinical chemistry is used in toxicity testing to aid medical and legal investigations of death, poisoning, and drug use. The major interest in forensic toxicology is the acquisition and interpretation of results, not the legal conclusion of the toxicological research or the technology utilized. A toxicology analysis can be conducted on a variety of samples. Any evidence collected at a crime scene that may narrow the search, such as pill bottles, powders, trace residue, and any available chemicals, must be considered by a forensic toxicologist. With this information and samples to work with, the forensic toxicologist must ascertain which toxic substances are present, at what amounts, and what effect those chemicals are expected to see on the person.

Hemraj Kathayat

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