ISSN ONLINE(2320-9801) PRINT (2320-9798)
A Case Study of Acceptance and Use of Electronic Library Services in Universities Based on SO-UTAUT Model
This study was mainly conducted to empirically investigate the determinants of e-library end users acceptance and use in academic libraries. The introduction of new information and communication technologies in libraries during the last two decades has altogether changed the concepts of libraries where library patrons need not necessarily go to the library physically since the library services and resources are no longer confined to the walls of the physical library. However, for these e-library services to be utilized effectively and efficiently, library end users must accept and use them. The study had applied the SO-UTAUT (Services Oriented Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) technology acceptance model which is appropriate in a library context. In this paper, we assess the acceptance and use of e-library services in academic libraries of the different universities and identify the determinant factors that affect the acceptance and use of elibrary services in academic libraries.
Abinew Ali Ayele, Dr. Vuda Sreenivasarao
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