ISSN: 2347-7830

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Research Article Open Access

A Case Study on the Bioaccumulated Organochlorines in Fish Relative to Their Inhabitant


The extensive and rough use of pesticides, heavy metals in agriculture, different industries are resulting in deteriorating effects of these toxicants in aquatic organisms. Their effects have been seen at both levels i.e. cellular and molecular. In the present study we tried to assess that which pesticides are mostly found in fish relative to their inhabitant. The findings prove that benthic fish inhabiting marine or brackish water bio accumulates more pesticides as compared to pelagic fish. The observations may be helpful in classifying bioaccumulation in fish on the basis of their inhabitant. Though, it needs much more study to frame a proper taxonomy on the bioaccumulation of different types of pesticides in fish based on their inhabitants.

Manisha, Aradhna Gupta

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